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Float planes viable in SFP1?

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I'm working on a ww2 mission using the BoB terrain and I was looking for a Sunderland (or similar) float plane and realised there aren't any (at least as far as I could find).


I was then wondering if SFP1/WOV even has the capability for water landings?

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Pasko has the N1K1 'Rex' IJN float fighter, but it has a 'cheat' with mini-landing gears.


When I get home tonight, I'll see if I can find the screenie I took of the time I taxied it out into the water....


....and sank :rofl:


Unfornatunatley, it's not like the MS/CFS series where you can actually land on the water.


Capun had experimented one time with the FloatFire, but it was just an exercise in 3d modeling.


If Catalilnia or Sunderlands or He-115 ever appear, they'd have to be 'land based' lilke the Rex. Too bad...water landings would be kinda cool.



kevin stein

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Guest capun

Actually you can land in the water and takeoff. Well, let me re-phrase it, you used to be able to do it, I haven't checked it with the current patch.


The floats are the landing gear and they have fake tiny tires that make contact with the water, since the new patch supports skids it would be interesting to see if the fake tires can be removed and just use the floats.


But the question is what do you want to do by taking off and landing in the water, there are no bases in the water so you need to create a custom mission to truly use the floatplanes.

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Actually you can land in the water and takeoff. Well, let me re-phrase it, you used to be able to do it, I haven't checked it with the current patch.


The floats are the landing gear and they have fake tiny tires that make contact with the water, since the new patch supports skids it would be interesting to see if the fake tires can be removed and just use the floats.


But the question is what do you want to do by taking off and landing in the water, there are no bases in the water so you need to create a custom mission to truly use the floatplanes.


Well, a clever terrain guy could make a nice harbor setup, provided an equally clever 3D guy made some cool docking facilities.... :yes: One could make a veritable air port on the water...

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Actually you can land in the water and takeoff. Well, let me re-phrase it, you used to be able to do it, I haven't checked it with the current patch.


The floats are the landing gear and they have fake tiny tires that make contact with the water, since the new patch supports skids it would be interesting to see if the fake tires can be removed and just use the floats.


But the question is what do you want to do by taking off and landing in the water, there are no bases in the water so you need to create a custom mission to truly use the floatplanes.


I was planning a custom mission (providing cover whilst a Sunderland recovered a downed pilot in the Channel) and the floatplane really would have been nothing more than eye candy. I know next to nothing about how the terrains work so I wasn't sure what their capabilities are.


Thanks for the info.

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Sea plane ramps!!!


So, we'd need a Pete, a Rufe the aforementioned He-115, Dornier Wal, PBYs, sunderlands, PanAm clippers....P6M Seamaster, and convair Sea Dart -- hey, I can dream!!



kevin stein

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Being picky the Sunderland is a Flying Boat, not a Sea Plane, i.e the fueslage is the hull, rather than having floats added instead of landing gear. I don't think the Sunderland could actually take off/land on terra firma, it just had some bolt on wheels for beaching. I suppose if you didn't need to see the Sunderland landing on you could redefine it as a boat and just have it sitting there while you provide top cover?!?

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Well guys, at this point we could think to a massive airland attack throught tke black sea strait by Soviet Union using one of this terrific Aircraft? No....Ship?.....no...float plane?.......Bah Choose you wich one....

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Being picky the Sunderland is a Flying Boat, not a Sea Plane, i.e the fueslage is the hull, rather than having floats added instead of landing gear. I don't think the Sunderland could actually take off/land on terra firma, it just had some bolt on wheels for beaching. I suppose if you didn't need to see the Sunderland landing on you could redefine it as a boat and just have it sitting there while you provide top cover?!?


I stand corrected, thanks for pointing that out. Unfortunately, I don't have the know-how to model a flying boat, but your suggestion is intriguing. Here's to hoping someone with talent takes up the task and delivers us a Sunderland.

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Truth, the Catalina, Wal, Seamaster; all are actualy flying boats.


Still a cool idea (could do a PBY-5A with the landing gear, as oposed to having just beaching gear for others)



kevin stein

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Weird that in WoV,I can land on rivers!

And yes,I saw that the Rex must be the only floatplane made for SF...

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Guest capun

Floatplanes do work with the current patch.


I just tested my SpitFloat (fictitious Spitfire floatplane to work out of a CAM ship), I changed the landing gear to a Skid style supported by the new patch.


I can take off and land in the water









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