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Eh, not when the wingman is flying a F-14 I guess.

Loaded up with Sidewinders, right behind the enemy who is about three miles away and what does he do?


Tries to get closer and shoot him down with his gun. Needless to say that in most cases their gunnery skills suck.

Needless to say, this was not a single event. Sometimes they do manage to follow orders and achieve something, but IMHO for the most part they are ineffective.


"Cover me" seems indeed to be more effective, but not much.


When my wingman is in a Tomcat and I give him an attack command, he'll fire as far out as 120 miles (with AIM-54A equipped) and is usually good with the AIM-7's or AIM-9's. If he's got a command, he'll fire the instant he crosses Rmax. But like HrntFixr said, skill takes account as well; I almost always assign #2 to one of the most experienced pilots available. If I end up with an Ensign, or someone with skill ~60 or less, sometimes they do try to just close for guns; rarely in my experience, but what you describe has happened to me with a green wingman.

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Yeah, that is true. Their skill level wasn't high. Still, even the less experienced could have a bit more knowledge using their weapons. Is there any way how to increase their skill in a campaign?

Edited by Gocad

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Another weird thing that I came across is that sometimes your wingman fires a missle and they just dont seem to guide! I mean there have been plenty of times when I have seen my #2 man fire a IRM or Radar guided missle at an enemy and it just keep going staight!

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Another weird thing that I came across is that sometimes your wingman fires a missle and they just dont seem to guide! I mean there have been plenty of times when I have seen my #2 man fire a IRM or Radar guided missle at an enemy and it just keep going staight!



That means he didn't fire it within the right parameters. We are not going to solve the AI problem ourselves. Its TK who will have to do it. So lets just press on until that happens.

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