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Graduating High School

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Phew...finnaly over, tommorow night is commencement and then I'm home free! If anyone on the boards is graduating please post in here so we can congratulate each other.

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Guest Ranger332

Congrats , and now the real work starts----welcome to the real world.

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Good job on prom, did you have the most fun afterwards? I did :wink:

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Prom was cool, but yeah, had the most fun afterwards. If everything had gone according to plan, ten of us would be spending the weekend at Lake Conroe in a condo, but things didn't pan out. Too bad too, that would have been great.


Then again, I probably wouldn't be able to remember my name on Monday.

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Congradulations guys... I still have 2 years... ughh... But I'm counting down the days to summer though.. Partys all over the place ;)


I didn't go to prom... I usally dont.. I hate proms..lol.. I went to the new skatepark with my buddies and skated all day then.. went to a kickin party afterwards...



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You have to go to your senior prom. And man, senior year is hard. Hard to know you're leaving all your friends, most of whom you'll never see or talk to again. Its pretty depressing. Its also one of the best years you'll have.


Damn, I'm getting philosophical, lol.

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Dang! ou guys are bringin back some good memories for me, hehe. One's name was Cynthia...blond, blue eyes, sweetest smile in Tucson....uh, er...


...anywho, congrats fellas. Makin high school graduation is a good start to the rest of your life. :D


Cylix, hang in there little bro, time will go faster than you think.


...an old fart sayin well done grads!

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Congrats, guys!


I'm a sophomore myself. I didn't go to prom because I can't drive yet, and it would seem really stupid to have your parents drive you to prom. Besides, it was really freakin' expensive.


My last day of school is the 22nd (yes, May 22) and I'm gonna be glad to be done with it!

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Jeez, its such a big deal now, limo's and stuff, god. I could do without all that nonsense. I wanted to just drive myself and my date, would been cheaper, lot less hassle. Especially since some folks were late to be picked up. Totally a charlie foxtrot. So expensive.


I'll get some pics uploaded later.

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Ya well, I'm done now, commencement was last night. I'll get some pictures from our "project graduation" it's a huge school sponsored lock in to keep kids from getting plastered and killing themselves. I played alot of black jack. It was, and congrats to everyone else graduating.

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I remember doing that at my grad, cleaned house in blackjack. IIRC, I won a VCR (of course, this was early 80's when VCR's actually cost a lot...) and some car stereo equipment. It was a blast!

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Yeah, didn't win anything at my project prom, just took a helluvalot of pictures, wandered around, messed with all my friends. They had a killer obstacle course thing set up, rocked hardcore.

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was it inflateable and called "Addrenaline Rush" because we had something like that, and it was rather baller.

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You have to go to your senior prom. And man, senior year is hard. Hard to know you're leaving all your friends, most of whom you'll never see or talk to again. Its pretty depressing. Its also one of the best years you'll have.


Well... Acually I dont have to go to prom. Out school is real small so, I dont really care and they dont either. Last year, I stopped by prom, I wasn't dressed up or nothing.. I was wearing skateboard stuff(as usual) and walked right in. It was so dumb. After about 30 mins they kicked me out, but thats all I wanted to stay in there for.


Freinds... hmm.. I only got about 2 freinds that go to my school.. the rest go to different schools. Plus I dont like school that much, so its not going to be depressing, cause me, and some of my buddies are going to move into an apartment togeather.. lol. We got it planed. :D


And it will defently be the best year, cause i'm knowing i'm getting out... Personaly, I can't wait until.. june 2005.. 8)


The seniors today, did there Senior Project presentations. I watched one of them. I guess this kid built a Hover Craft for his. But I guess he wouldn't work or something. Did you guys have to do a Senior Project?



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No, we don't do Senior Projects around here.


Todd, yeah, it was inflatable, but I don't remember the name. It had like a big football goal and a hill and some tunnels though.

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Congrats yall! Job well done to all grads. My Dad told me the friends that would last the rest of my life would be the ones I made in college. He was right! I graduated in '81 and have'nt seen hide nor hair of anyone from high school since '82. However, I'm still in regular contact with my room mates from my first year in college to this day. Funny how life goes. I'm now actually related to my best friend from college 'cause we married sisters! :lol: Your off to a good start, so keep the momentum goin, find what you love to do, and make it your life's work! - Sledge out.

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