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Modern/Cold War color swatches?

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Anyone have any good links to color swatches used currently by air forces and during the cold war? Everything seems to be WW2, with the latest going into Korea.


Particularly the colors for SEA camo, Euro camo and the more colorful aggressor aircraft.

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They're easy to make, I do it all the time.


Open the skin bmp of choice in your image editor of choice (photoshop, etc)


using the rectagnular marque tool, draw out a square covering whatever colors/mix strikes your fancy; usually some fueleage part that has all three camo colors & the underbelley color


"COPY" that section.


open a new image, say 64x64, - don't worry if your copied seciton is bigger - you can move the layer around to get the colors you want to show.


then PASTE the copied bit into it.


flatten the layer (mind you, this is Photoshop, so any new added part becomes a new layer)


"SAVE AS.." patch.bmp into whatever skin folder for whatever aircraft (example: F-104C/SEA/patch.bmp)


If you REALLY want to get classy, you can find the squadron insignia; for example in the Bf-109 skins I revamped, JG2


You'd do the above, without flattening the layers...

find the JG-2 emblem, - some experimentation as to image size may be needed to get it to fit within the 64x64 square and leave the camo pattern below visible


using the magic lasso, select the emblem, copy/paste OVER the paint chip. You can even add a drop shadow to make it stand out more (50% black, 120 degrees is what I use), then flatten and save as 'patch.bmp'


Pretty easy...if I can do it!!! :biggrin:



Kevin Stein

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Take a look at this link - It's for model paints but I think it's pretty much what you are looking for...


Scroll down to the heading: Authentic Colours by Country




Or try the Model Master line - they have a few stock colors available.



Edited by Timmy

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Anyone have any good links to color swatches used currently by air forces and during the cold war? Everything seems to be WW2, with the latest going into Korea.


Particularly the colors for SEA camo, Euro camo and the more colorful aggressor aircraft.




Try this: http://www.jpsmodell.de/dc/luft_e.htm


Some aggressors: http://www.jpsmodell.de/dc/usn_e.htm#aggressor (scroll down to the bottom of the page)

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Thanks, thats just what I needed. But how to convert FS colors into RGB values for photoshop?

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