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A couple of questions...

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Well, i know ill problably hear "...its in the knowledge base..." but the real truth is that i need more explicit tips (aka modding for morons). Ive downloaded Digital Overload´s CVN 75 for install in my WoE but between all the readme´s and the knowledge base tips i kinda burn a fuse! How exactly do you install a carrier in WoE? Because im afraid of loosing all my instalations so far in a stupid mistake! And the zipfile contains at least 5 files with addon in it...


The other question is regarding the Hymalaian terrain and Suez 2....in the Hymalaian the instalation instructions said to copy/paste the desert.cat file and change the name to hymalaian.cat...i did it with my stock German.cat and it worked but now when i use alt+n after taking off from the runway the plane crashes! Anybody had this problem???

In Suez2...both the inflight map and parts of the set appear kinda meshed with parts of the Hymalaian set...this is defenitivly not normal as i change the line in the .ini as instructed... :blink:



Sorry for problably ask same old questions again but sometimes i just get all out off ideas in resolving problems...

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Check this thread to add a carrier:






It gives examples in linear order. Simply put, you first add the carrier to your groundobjects directory (like an addon aircraft), then you add a location in the terrain.ini file for the carrier to roam around in, then 'put' the carrier in the campaign like a ground object. And finally, add a few lines to the [AirUnitxx] entries to make the aircraft fly off the carrier.



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The instructions in the Knowledge Base could not be written any simpler. It gives you step by step on how to do it. What are you confused about?

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Ok...i´ve been reading a couple more topics and in blood for oil (thaks fastcargo) i understood alittle more in adding the carriers...but it cant be flown in single missions right?


And about the terrains, anybody have an ideia of whats wrong?

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Piloto I know some of the terrains don't funtion well with the Alt-N feature.It seems that the altitude of the ground is in line with the aircrafts line of flight and when you warp it causes the plane to hit the ground.there may be a fix out there but i'm not sure off hand.the other terrain issue is not somthing i'm familiar with.

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Ok...i´ve been reading a couple more topics and in blood for oil (thaks fastcargo) i understood alittle more in adding the carriers...but it cant be flown in single missions right?


And about the terrains, anybody have an ideia of whats wrong?




Try downloading a texture set for the desert terrain. The Suez terrain is default to the stock SFP1 desert texture, however the GermanyCE.cat file you use contains a different set of terrain texture files. IMHO that may be the problem.

I recommend this.

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Try downloading a texture set for the desert terrain. The Suez terrain is default to the stock SFP1 desert texture, however the GermanyCE.cat file you use contains a different set of terrain texture files. IMHO that may be the problem.

I recommend this.


hummm, so if i get the desert terrain from SFP1 and add it to my WoE and then modify the Suez2 maybe it will work fine???

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hummm, so if i get the desert terrain from SFP1 and add it to my WoE and then modify the Suez2 maybe it will work fine???


yes. Or you can just readress the suez2 ini file to look for the cat file in GermanyCE.

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yes. Or you can just readress the suez2 ini file to look for the cat file in GermanyCE.



Well...thats what i did! Ive copied the germany.cat file and changed the name on it but it apears faulty and glitchy missing bits and mixing with hymalaian terrain! :blink:

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Well...thats what i did! Ive copied the germany.cat file and changed the name on it but it apears faulty and glitchy missing bits and mixing with hymalaian terrain! :blink:


Keep using the GermanyCE.cat. IMHO what you need is a tile set only (see the link in my post above).

And here is the relevant topic from the Knowledge Base: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=12230.

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