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BTW, the first chapter of War Heaven is set on a movie lot where they're making a movie about a mysterious pilot flying an F-16XL over a post apocalyptic landscape against loads of Russian planes, helos etc. How cool is that!


Mack does that alot...also, lots of his real life friends show up in the books too (JAW, NY Hercs for example).

At the time War Heaven was written, he was in negotioations for a Wingman movie deal. So far it's hasn't materalized.



kevin stein

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<makes a mad dash to the d/l section, causing few members to get smashed toes> :rofl:



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It's coming along nicely......




how'd you like to look in your mirror and see this behind you? :rofl:



Well I for one would be s*** scared. I 'd probably head for the clouds and hope the pilot was blind :haha::haha:

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Well I for one would be s*** scared. I 'd probably head for the clouds and hope the pilot was blind :haha::haha:


Don't think of sneaking behind Hawk Hunter, He has ESP :biggrin:

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Awesome Aircraft! But I cant see the 4 extra guns on mine!

Edited by Falcon161

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Awesome Aircraft! But I cant see the 4 extra guns on mine!


Actually 6. Did you put the weapon files in the weapon folder? Then putting the ini line in your weapon data ini and save? Then open the weapondata.ini in weapon editor and save it?



Edited by FalconCAF

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You got to add the gunpods to your weps folder and the data in the ini and then open and save like you add any weapon.


Falcon................. READ THE READ ME!!!!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:



But seriously folks.... the read me has all the info you need to see the gunpods. 2 guns on the aircraft and 2 per pod gives you the 6 pack!!!

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You got to add the gunpods to your weps folder and the data in the ini and then open and save like you add any weapon.


Falcon................. READ THE READ ME!!!!!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

But seriously folks.... the read me has all the info you need to see the gunpods. 2 guns on the aircraft and 2 per pod gives you the 6 pack!!!


Uhh which Falcon are you talking to? :wink:



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Ok, now that we got the XL HH Special, what about the 'White Elephant Squadron' from "Target: Point Zero"???


All the planes exist in First Eagles.....

How we're going to get a Merlin in the DR.1 is beyond me though.... :rofl:



kevin stein

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Damn why didnt I read the Read me :crazy:! Aggghhhhh! My bad man, I guess I really need to start reading them again! Oh the Irony!

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