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More Effective Camos

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Here are a couple I stumbled on the other day testing some CVW-17 skins, and no these aren't from CVW-17 :biggrin:


MiG-23 over Africa in Madagascar terrain




MiG-29 also over Africa in Madagascar


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U-2A. Space is the biggest place to hide. Enviro sky colour temp darkened to (I guess) represent 80k feet.


I wish TK would do a simple sky colour variation with altitude. If you ever climb above TK's overcast clouds, the white slowly turns to blue, so we know altitude sky colour variation is possible with this game engine.





Don't look now, but your contrail is showing! :grin:

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Don't look now, but your contrail is showing! :grin:

hehe that's the stock CleanExhaustEmitter which is white and I have yet to change that for this bird.


I'll get to U-2 in the ThudWire thread in, say, 50 pages or so the rate I'm going. So many aircraft mods. What's a simmer/simmerette to do?


Most recent aircraft/cockpit mating F-94B+F-86D happened here ~> http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.p...10&start=72 Not very effective cammo these long contrails. :no::rofl:

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More camos, RH-53D mod......circa Operation Eagle Claw. Also the standard USMC grey......

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