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What's with these cockpits?

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Can you see/find the difference????


Now, before the rivet/gauge/switch counters go all ballistic on me, I know this is NOT historically correct.


I just did it as an experiment, as I'm about to release the F-104S-ASA-M mod, and was wondering if anything like this existed in the Last Starfighter....




Also, while fiddling, I was reminded of a post over at SimHQ about something similiar....




Interesting, isn't it??? :wink:



Kevin Stein

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Didn't just about every fighter after Korea have a RWR that warns about gun ranging radars? Obviously, I don't know much about this.


I figger, give every fighter that had a gun ranging radar (F-86) a *very* short range radar, then maybe it should show up if you are being targeted at short range. Is this Correct Thinking?

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as I'm about to release the F-104S-ASA-M mod, and was wondering if anything like this existed in the Last Starfighter....



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Lightnings, Mustangs, Mossi's and perhaps the late model Jugs in WW2 had warning reciever...I remember reading that I was basically a flashing light that said something was coming up the tail. Not sure exactly how the Mossie 'boozer' worked, but I thing it was something similar, just a light (it's mentioned in several of the later 633 Sqadron novels)


A new TACAN and a new UHF radio were provided. A GPS was installed. A new LN-30A2 Inertial Navigation System was installed, and a new cockpit layout was provided to imporove the pilot's situational awareness. The AN/ALQ-70 self-defense system, the M61 Vulcan cannon, and all equipment related to the strike role were removed, making the ASA-M a pure interceptor.


That's pretty much what I went for, in the ASA-M mod, without the RWR. I did add the jammer, I think. If there's enough 'call from the masses", I can easly updatd the cockpit ini to add it.

Of course, we are still stuck with the stock Zipper pit..., as to instrument placement.



Kevin Stein

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Lightnings, Mustangs, Mossi's and perhaps the late model Jugs in WW2 had warning reciever...I remember reading that I was basically a flashing light that said something was coming up the tail. Not sure exactly how the Mossie 'boozer' worked, but I thing it was something similar, just a light (it's mentioned in several of the later 633 Sqadron novels)

That's pretty much what I went for, in the ASA-M mod, without the RWR. I did add the jammer, I think. If there's enough 'call from the masses", I can easly updatd the cockpit ini to add it.

Of course, we are still stuck with the stock Zipper pit..., as to instrument placement.



Kevin Stein

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I knew about some surface ships and subs carring "radar detectors" but hadnever heard of WWII planes carring the "detectors" only the first basic airborne intercept radar for night fighters. Here is a para from "World War 2 radars, The technology which revolutionized air and naval warfare"


The first development was RADAR detectors. The basic types, carried mostly by bombers and submarines, could tell their operators if a RADAR was transmitting at them (and therefore could detect them) and could estimate if it was near or distant, by the power of the RADAR waves. The more advanced RADAR detectors were used to analyze everything possible about enemy radars, their power, radio wave frequency, pulse rate, pulse width, and other technical parameters from which engineers could learn a lot about the capabilities of enemy radars, and design "electronic warfare" counter-measures to use against them.

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