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How to create anti ship msn. with carrier

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:dntknw:How to create antiship mission TERRAIN specifics destroyable carriers too ?

exampe in desert terrain...SINGLE MISSION

HOW to add a carrier to targets in randomly missions?

Edited by vulkan

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If you modiy a carrier to be "destroyable", it will no longer be a carrier, as it's the flight deck that makes it all but impossible to destroy. Besides, my carriers have 'teeth" : )

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If you modiy a carrier to be "destroyable", it will no longer be a carrier, as it's the flight deck that makes it all but impossible to destroy. Besides, my carriers have 'teeth" : )


I've managed to sink a carrier. (somewhat blasphemous for me!)

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This is what would probably happen if you tried the aforementioned mission (keeping in mind the Su-27 can carry only iron bombs and rocket pods at best). Notice that chaff isn't too effective against a SPY series radar, and that layered anti-air defenses essentially make this a suicide attack.




Nasty Oliver Hazzard Perry class escorts courtesy of Capun. Terrier armed CVA-63 by Bunyap, USAFMTL, and myself.

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I gotta disagree with you Fubar. You can nail a carrier, any carrier, nothing's unsinkable... except for Tasmania, and god knows we've tried :smile:


Carriers can still take significant, nay, terminal damage to the primary hull beneath the flight deck, interiors etc but effective control teams can limit the amount of damage taken. . But the biggest problem is that attacks on Carriers are cost prohibitive. The effort required would simply over extend or be beyond what a potential adversary could field. And even then, the potential success of the attack is not guaranteed. Cruise missiles are considered to be one of the best methods of attacking a carrier but the number required and unit cost would have a significant impact on that country's defence budget or even economy, and that's before you consider the aerial defence network of destroyers and AEGIS cruisers and early warning systems (AWACS), hard and soft kill devices (respective examples such as NULKA and CIWS) or even the carrier's air embarked defence.


Nevertheless, if you have the money, the resources (aerial jamming, guidance, AWACS, fleets of air defence/strike assets and cruise missiles, pilots), the will power and moral flexibility to absorb large numbers of casualties, tackling a carrier can be done. It'd be the modern day equivalent of a WWI daylight troop charge into machine gun fire through minefields and razor wire, but it could be done...


...okay, so technically you're right... I'll just shut up now. :tongue:


I will say this though; it'd be interesting to see how these tactics will change as Low Observable aircraft increasingly come into play.

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I will say this though; it'd be interesting to see how these tactics will change as Low Observable aircraft increasingly come into play.


nuclear barrage fire.......


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