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Weird Clouds that float around?

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Ok, now I know there are rumors about Navy pilots in Vietnam taking LSD and flying night missions, but I did not think that Thirdwire would simulate it!


Ok, all jokes aside, I do have a question about a strange anomaly in my game. When I am flying, I see these fast moving clouds at times. They are about maybe a quarter the size, or less of an aircraft. they are also white, and transparent. They are not artifacts, because they have texture to them. They are moving at about mach 1, and I have to hold down the arrow for a few to catch up to them. it is a bunch of about 20 or so. Has anyone else seen this in their install? I have the environment, and the horizon cloud mod, and I have my farsceneclip set to a hair more (want to see those nuke effects from reasonable distance) I also have the vertex, and light count up in my Flightengine.ini file.


Any ideas to this, or any clue to what it is? It is not that bad, but I have been wondering what it was.




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Ok, now I know there are rumors about Navy pilots in Vietnam taking LSD and flying night missions, but I did not think that Thirdwire would simulate it!


Ok, all jokes aside, I do have a question about a strange anomaly in my game. When I am flying, I see these fast moving clouds at times. They are about maybe a quarter the size, or less of an aircraft. they are also white, and transparent. They are not artifacts, because they have texture to them. They are moving at about mach 1, and I have to hold down the arrow for a few to catch up to them. it is a bunch of about 20 or so. Has anyone else seen this in their install? I have the environment, and the horizon cloud mod, and I have my farsceneclip set to a hair more (want to see those nuke effects from reasonable distance) I also have the vertex, and light count up in my Flightengine.ini file.


Any ideas to this, or any clue to what it is? It is not that bad, but I have been wondering what it was.




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Guest Saganuay82

Any SAM been shot at you at about the same time?

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I assumed they were SAM thruster corrections...because they seem to have the same trajectory...



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Nah mine only rotate - any moving white puffy things usually means a Deuces enhanced SAM is on the way!

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I have my farsceneclip set to a hair more (want to see those nuke effects from reasonable distance)




mmm ... Poast your FlightEngine file here.


What texture do the miniclouds have?


Do they show up in clear weather missions?

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