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Luiz Carlos

GBU-15 , HOBOS , walleye are missing in the weapons pack?

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I can´t find this weapons in the loadout menu of the A10A.

Are there present in weapons pack and how to enable it?

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Never heard of an A-10 carrying a GBU-15. On account of the A-10 being an 'in-your-face' kind of aircraft, lacking long-range sensors, and the GBU-15 being all about stand-off attack :unsure:

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Never heard of an A-10 carrying a GBU-15. On account of the A-10 being an 'in-your-face' kind of aircraft, lacking long-range sensors, and the GBU-15 being all about stand-off attack :unsure:

Sorry for my ignorance, but can you explain me stand-off atack?

Other planes in the game can execute missions with GBU-15?


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The GBU-15 was designed to be launched several miles from target, then guided by a pilot or WSO via a data-link while the aircraft flew away from the target area. A camera in the nose of the bomb relays the position of the bomb relative to it's target. Remember those videos of bombs picking which doors and windows to fly through in Desert Storm '91? They were GBU-15's, launched into heavily defended areas while the aircraft remained safely outside SAM/fighter range.


If you edit hardpoint data in the A-10 to allow EO/TV guided munitions of the necessary size & weight, then add some GBU-15 to the squadron supply, they should show up.

Edited by Platinum Rogue

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The GBU-15 was designed to be launched several miles from target, then guided by a pilot or WSO via a data-link while the aircraft flew away from the target area. A camera in the nose of the bomb relays the position of the bomb relative to it's target. Remember those videos of bombs picking which doors and windows to fly through in Desert Storm '91? They were GBU-15's.

Very interesting. I have seen pictures of those bombs in a book of mine, became interested.

It was mounted in a F15.Do you now something about walleye and HOBOS bombs?

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Yep, F-15E was a favourite carrier of them, and the F-111, thanks to them having very good AG radar resolution. The radar picks out the building, then the bomb camera picks which window of the building :cool:


Walleye is basically the same as GBU-15 but only 500lb bomb. Also I think it didn't have as much range as the GBU, and was developed mainly by US Navy. Employment of both in the sim is the same as mavericks though - lock, launch, leave - sadly lacking the need to 'fly' the bomb yourself. Anyone else remember Jane's USAF? or F-15? :victory:


HOBOS was an earlier version of GBU-15, it lacked the data-link so couldn't be steered once it was launched.

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Yep, F-15E was a favourite carrier of them, and the F-111, thanks to them having very good AG radar resolution. The radar picks out the building, then the bomb camera picks which window of the building :cool:


Walleye is basically the same as GBU-15 but only 500lb bomb. Also I think it didn't have as much range as the GBU, and was developed mainly by US Navy. Employment of both in the sim is the same as mavericks though - lock, launch, leave - sadly lacking the need to 'fly' the bomb yourself. Anyone else remember Jane's USAF? or F-15? :victory:


HOBOS was an earlier version of GBU-15, it lacked the data-link so couldn't be steered once it was launched.

Thanks for reply, Platinum Rogue.

Very useful information.

I´ll try edit the INI for F15 to use this bombs in the game.Do you know if F15A was capable of lauching it or just F15E Strike Eagle?

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Damn platinum rogue! You know alot about this kind of stuff, were you in the air force or something?

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Nah, I'm just a geek and I have google :biggrin:


Luiz, remember the mantra of the first F-15's: "Not a pound for air-to-ground!". F-15A was designed as a pure fighter, with guns and Air-to-Air missiles only. But this is the Strike Fighters world where we can do anything we want with the right .ini edits. So don't let it stop you if that's what you want to see on F-15A's in your missions :ok:

Edited by Platinum Rogue

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Guest Saganuay82

You will have to add EOGB to your hardpoint to load GBU15s. I just went through that with my IDF mod to the F15D. You should open your GBU15 and make sure the boxes are all filled in too and some of them are not 0. It will make a big difference.

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I can´t find this weapons in the loadout menu of the A10A.

Are there present in weapons pack and how to enable it?


They are there.

But the GBU-15 is also quite heavy, the Walleye is a USN weapon and the HOBOS was no longer in use when the A-10 was put into service.


Of course, you could alter the A-10 data and weapondata file to change this, but to be honest, I see no reason why to do so.


EDIT: D'oh. :blush:

Edited by Gocad

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Very interesting. I have seen pictures of those bombs in a book of mine, became interested.

It was mounted in a F15.Do you now something about walleye and HOBOS bombs?

The HOBOs IIRC was never carried on the A-10. The Walleye is a US Navy bomb and never was able to be carried by the A-10 either.

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Ah, I've underestimated the power of the all mighty google again! LOL :rofl: !

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