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And That is That.......

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Well it took 2 days but I got my wife and kids moved out of the house in Texas. Right now we are at my apartment in OK City to rest then we are heading out in a few hours. Final destination is my wifes assignment to Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio. Yes folks US Army on a US Air Force base. After I get them there I have to turn around and head back to Ok City. Then hope maybe one day I can get stationed with my family in Ohio.....but I digress.


It was hard leaving our first house we lived in it for 6 years, lots of memories. Good and bad. But we saddled up and pulled out last night. I caught myself looking back toward my house, down the street I lived on for so many years. Its funny how you take things for granted until you have to leave them. But here is a couple of pics I wanted to share of my house in its glory days.


I will miss it.

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Safe journey there Dave,


See you when you get access again!



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Have a safe and speedy trip Dave. When ya get to Ohio, have a couple of coney's for me will ya? :biggrin:

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I know what you mean Dave. I had to leave almost everything when I left the Guard to become a pilot Including the cat and dog. But it was a step in the right direction. I hope you work out a transfer to Ohio sooner rather than later!

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That's rough. My father almost took a job down in Maryland and would've been away from the family. Ultimately, he didn't, upon meeting the people he'd be working with, take the job. Hope you have luck getting a transfer.


On the bright side, maybe we can get an answer about the secret UFO stuff they keep there. I won't go to that nut stanton freidman :scout:

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I will have my Moto Q with me so if you all need to get a hold of me on the road, it will not be a problem. It has internet and the works. Thank for the kind words fellas, my wife was reading these too. She didn't know all the support I had from an online community. She needs to get on a computer more. LOL

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Good luck Dave, all the best for the move and hopefully being stationed with your family.

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Good luck Dave, all the best for the move and hopefully being stationed with your family.



Yeah, for real. Family is the one thing that gets me through. I don't know how you do it. Good luck man.

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Nice yard in the pix, god I miss grass.....


Went to the AF museum during Christmas while I was en route to see my brother and family in Columbus. I had to drag my wife around, she gets bored. I made a big fuss about taking the bus out to the hangars on base, she did think the Air Force One displays were cool. I really wanted to see the Mig-29, but was told after getting out there that it is being restored for display.


Yeah, I was pi$$ed......


I could really spend a week at that museum, there is so much to see and admire.

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Hey y'all,


Was flying today and saw this:




Any guesses?



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That would be Tinker AFB.

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Yea, I figured you'd know.



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Yea, I figured you'd know.




The dead give away was the white plane off by itself. That's the TACAMO plane on the Romeo Ramp with its tanker alert bird.

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