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The 2BR (IIRC) is a long pole with both bombs one in front of the other

Is there a rack that holds two bombs side-by-side?

I tried modding the TER by changing to "2" and removing the third hardpoint. However I couldn't get it to work (I'm familiar with using the weapon editor). When you use the TER and select 2 bombs, they show up as one lower bomb and one on the side - looks funny

Is there a rack or a plane download that has a rack like this?

thanks in advance...

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The 2BR (IIRC) is a long pole with both bombs one in front of the other

Is there a rack that holds two bombs side-by-side?

I tried modding the TER by changing to "2" and removing the third hardpoint. However I couldn't get it to work (I'm familiar with using the weapon editor). When you use the TER and select 2 bombs, they show up as one lower bomb and one on the side - looks funny

Is there a rack or a plane download that has a rack like this?

thanks in advance...


There are 2BR racks in the Weaponspack that carry their bombs side by side. Search for "BRU_57"



This is the result of a little 'experiment' I conducted recently, testing the flexibility of the loadout.ini file. :grin:



However, I have not figured out how to make them show up, unless you count in some loadout.ini abuse... :wink:

Edited by Gocad

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Yup, the BRU-57 is our dual bombrack. That 'in-line' versions is used on the Mirages (3, 5 and I think F.1)


But in reference to TERs, have you seen this line (borrowed from the Skyhawk data ini):




I wonder if that could be changed to mount sides ONLY, and not center...




or something like 'not allowed'




Some experimentation is in order here....



kevin stein

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That BRU57 was exactly what I was looking for!

However the only way I could get it to show up was if it was set-up in the Loadout.ini. When in the game if I select another type of bomb the rack defaults to the long pole. Is there a way to make that rack selectable in the loadout screen?

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I think you can specify the specific rack name in the data file for that hardpoint.


I'll do some research to see if that's true.



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rack type goes in the loadout ini






something like that.



kevin stein

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Nevertheless this does not change the fact that the BRU-57 rack is not used when you select your loadout manually.

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I think the sim is going to select the first bomb rack in alphabetical order that will fit the plane and weapons, in this case the rack called "2BR" that's in the weapons pack because it starts with a number instead of a letter. *grumbles something about the weapons pack naming system*

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Yup, that was it - I moved the BRU57 to be before the 2BR, and that makes it the default! Thanks for the help, guys - now it's time to move some mud!

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