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"Fury's" at Avsim.

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Are you confined to base! I do not know where you find all your time but I for one appreciate it. First your Korean campaign, then the Sabre Pak with Zur and now the Fury. I do not know what is your next project but keep them coming. It is people like yourself willing to put the time and effort for people like myself to enjoy. The only way I can help is by saying THANKS!!! to another job well done. There a times I think you modders do not get the acknowlegment you deserve.

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Oh I work from 0630 to about 1715 everyday. Come home, make dinner for the wife and kids, clean up, watch the news, then I am on the computer until about 11 pm working on stuff. So I have time. On the weekends I pull all nighters. I am glad you all like what we do for you. Just remember these arern't even close to being real Furies. Just my rendition of them.

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Thats nice but I got the F-4G weasle.that one is great.that is one great site..

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Man I havent heard anyone comment about that "G" I made in awhile. Glad you like it.

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All I got to say is Thank You! for BOTH serving this great Free Country and for the sweet birds...

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:D USAFMTL I appreciate much the Wild Weasel F4G!! Great for SEAD missions against SAM and radars.

Really add something in these missions.

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