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Guest Ranger332


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Unfortunatly a 20 meg a day download limit will kill this site, that might cater for veiwing a couple of pages and maybe downloading of 15 skins, and thats it for one days worth.

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Guest Ranger332

maybe but rember not everyone has acces to free maga hosting hes taking the time and effort (testing the waters as it where) If he sees interest me may get more web space. Ill give assistance to any trying to assist in making this sim work for all. if you can get on the site (I had np) here is a example of what he has also a silver blank skin so you can make your own sqd skin.

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Thats very true, but there are better out there, think i'll have a look about and see if i can pass on some details

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Guest Ranger332

from the site maker himself

"There are currently 12 skins available, 3 each for Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland.


Some accurate, some fictional.


By all means all take a look at my collection of Nordic Skins (not all my work), but as this is a free site there is a daily and monthly limit, so please only download the skins if you will be using them. If you just want to collect skins just for the sake of it, please don't...leave them for those who want to actually use them, as I cannot afford to pay for additional bandwidth.


Svein "

to any interested in the pictured skinn or a plane silver contact me and Ill relay them.

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Ouch. I get more pop-ups than my favorite porn sites...oh did I say that out loud. :shock:

Ranger, if he needs space I have 2 servers w/500meg each and a 30gig transfer/month. Have him get in touch w/me via email and I'll donate some space to him.

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Rgr that, same here, he can upload the skins to the new FTP site I put up. That 20Mb a day limit is just not gonna work. ;)

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Guest Ranger332

rgr MJ I left him a massage AND I have some of the skins and pics,Ill get back here later

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Guest Ranger332
Ouch. I get more pop-ups than my favorite porn sites...oh did I say that out loud.  :shock:  

Ranger, if he needs space I have 2 servers w/500meg each and a 30gig transfer/month. Have him get in touch w/me via email and I'll donate some space to him.

rgr that bro Ill try to get him to get it touch with you he has some good skins Ill send ya some when I get home to my pc. maybe we can get him to do somethiung for the TC campaign.

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Guest Ranger332

just uploaded 3 sets of F-86 skins to the site one of which is a basic silver skin great for making your own sqd skins

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I'm glad you guys like my site. Dueces, I use Navigator 7.02, and when I visit my site, I get at most only a single pop-up.


Thanks for the offer of space, guys, but I like to have my own web page. I won't be doing hundreds of skins, only the odd release, one in the next day or two, BTW, so I wouldn't expect a rush on the site, as it's fairly specialised.


So when I do release, by patient if you can't get on straight away. By all means share the files if you wish.


What's the TC Campaign? Is it the Cuban Campaign? What could I do to help?



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My latest skin is up, Norwegian F105. Soon to follow examples from Denmark, Sweden and Finland.


It's a pity there are no more "historical" Nordic aircraft in SFP, but I know they are on the way.





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Latest skin:




Danish F-105D, Esk 722.


I'm still waiting for any historical aircraft operated by a Skandanavian Air Force to be released. I suppose all the aircraft modders are waiting on the second patch before releasing any new aircraft.


BTW, my screenshots are terrible, the aircraft looks 1000% better in game!


Edit: Seems I can't link screenshots from my site, you'll just have to go there and see!

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Latest Skin:


Swedish F105D - F7 Wing, Division 1, Skaraborgs Flygflottilj, based at Såtenäs.


It is green/brown camo, go to:




Sweden page to view and download.



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