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cool scans chrstian79

you got any more gems like these

for any others, would be very usefull

the wing detailing is great

cheers m8

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One of my favorites! :biggrin:


I assume this is a different model than the one jv44kt was working on, but if he's still working on it, I wouldn't mind having two D.XIIs to choose from. :wink:

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i hope it can help you


from aero magazin n°124 may 1989


thank you



Thank you very much rebuild the Radiator now :yes:


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I remember the old Airfix model of the Hannover that I had years ago. It will be fun to see if I can do a better paint job than I could manage at age 10. It shouldn't be hard!



Edited by LloydNB

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Guest Charles

The Pfalz D.XII is coming along nicely...




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Are we looking at two different models for the Pfalz D.XII being worked at the same?


The only reason I ask is that this happenened several times on the EAW forum and certain parties were somewhat miffed to find that months of work were 'pipped at the post' by other modders.


If this is the case, shouldn't OFF skinners/modders pool information, to avoid duplication of their efforts?

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Guest Charles

Good point. There is only one Pfalz D.XII being built (that I know of anyway), but it is a group effort. The model is by 101tfs and Capun, with the FM being done by me at the moment, and proper skinning by Gambit after that.

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Good point. There is only one Pfalz D.XII being built (that I know of anyway), but it is a group effort. The model is by 101tfs and Capun, with the FM being done by me at the moment, and proper skinning by Gambit after that.


Ahhh, all under control then - Thanks Charles.

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Guest Charles

Just an update. The Pfalz D.XII is in the paint shop, and nearing release:



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Thanks for update. Looking forward to it....and of course, skins well worth the wait...gambit's the man!!!


Thanks again to the team for the considerable effort in making these for the game.

Edited by peter01

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