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My new favoite plane....

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Anybody spend much time in the F2b Brisfit? I like this bird. Very versatile. It can hold its own against other fighters, carries a good bomb load...even two 200 pounders, and you have the extra protection of a gunner. :good: I can see why the real Brisfit was a popular mount during the war. Which speaks well for the plane in the sim, IMHO, as the plane (FM and all) seems to fit the actual description pretty well. It would be nice to have the option to fly one without the extra Lewis gun on the wing and maybe a twin mount for the gunner as well. Regardless, the Brisfit is a fun plane to fly. Thanks to the ATeam and Peter01 and everyone involved in providing this model. :clapping:

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I'll have to give her a try based on that appraisal. I flew a campaign (or parts thereof) in a Salmson a looong while ago, and really had a good time maneuvering into firing positions for my gunner. He was a pretty good shot on occasion, for AI.


Just too bad we can't fly as the gunner...

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I'll have to give her a try based on that appraisal. I flew a campaign (or parts thereof) in a Salmson a looong while ago, and really had a good time maneuvering into firing positions for my gunner. He was a pretty good shot on occasion, for AI.


Just too bad we can't fly as the gunner...


Now that's an idea!

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The other evening I was flying a D7 and had a Brisfit easily turn inside me and riddle me. I know they were good planes and well-liked by their pilots, but where they that manueverable?


They are "fun" to fly, and the gunner is good to have. The cockpit and gunsight work well with the TIR4 - I have to hunch down to look through the sight just as I imagine the pilot might.

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I doubt they were that maneuverable. When you fly it you won't be turning inside too many opponents. Of course the AI can turn almost anything quicker than player pilots. You have to fly it almost like the Phantom in Strike Fighters. If a bandit gets on your tail use your speed to extend and turn back once you've put a little distance between you and your adversary, hoping your gunner can score some hits while you do so. Also watch for targets of opportunity that you can slip behind and blast before they know you're there. Its just quick enough to turn into a passing fighter and stay with it long enough to get a kill. Good deflection shooting helps too. :wink:

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I like the Brisfit too. I remember blowing an Albatross D.III into pieces (guns set on "hard")

after jumping it in a screaming dive. mmmm...that felt good! Yeah BnZ is the way

to go in the Brisfit.


It's even better after Peter01's FM mod. Though I notice now that my overzealous

gunner (excitable chap that he is) likes to shoot over my head now. While I appreciate

his enthusiasm, his bloody gun blocks my view whenever he does that!


Isn't there a way to restrict the gunner's field of fire?



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Guest capun

I haven't checked the new FM's but the stock FM restricted the gunner's field of fire









MaxYaw=270 ; Max Yaw Angle, Port side of plane

MinYaw=90 ; Min Yaw Angle, Starboard side of plane

DefaultYawAngle=180 ; Faces to the rear at start up.


So the stock FM is set for the rear gunner to have a 180 degree arc of fire but not to the front of the plane.

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I read somewhere maybe in a C&C , That they first used the brisfit in a defensive wheel when engaged , and fared no better than any other ie dh4's 9's br14's ect, but when used as a ( fighter with a sting in its tail) the results were much more marked.

so i guess they had to be able to turn with the best of them , or they would have been the (Defiants) of there time, hacked out of the sky with very little effort

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I haven't checked the new FM's but the stock FM restricted the gunner's field of fire









MaxYaw=270 ; Max Yaw Angle, Port side of plane

MinYaw=90 ; Min Yaw Angle, Starboard side of plane

DefaultYawAngle=180 ; Faces to the rear at start up.


So the stock FM is set for the rear gunner to have a 180 degree arc of fire but not to the front of the plane.


Yes. I'm using Peter's FM but for some reason the gunner's yaw angle is set to 360. In addition to resetting the yaw angles (I have a 200 degree sweep) I have also chaged the min. pitch angle to -30 so the gunner can shoot downward....he hasn't shot off the tail yet. :wink:











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I read somewhere maybe in a C&C , That they first used the brisfit in a defensive wheel when engaged , and fared no better than any other ie dh4's 9's br14's ect, but when used as a ( fighter with a sting in its tail) the results were much more marked.

so i guess they had to be able to turn with the best of them , or they would have been the (Defiants) of there time, hacked out of the sky with very little effort




Check out the number of Aces in the F.2b compared to others. More than the SE5 and second only to the Camel. Speaks volumes as to the aircraft's abilities.

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Thanks Capun, I'll try setting it that way.


Hey Gambit - I read a similar story, and just now found a couple of those links again.




Too bad that on it's first operational sortie, the Brisfit has to run into none other than

"The Red Baron". But still, the Bristol gave a good accounting of itself afterward.


hmmm...a lot of replies came in while I was typing mine...sorry for the redundancy...

Edited by ShrikeHawk

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The aerodrome link listed above mentions 2-3 Lewis guns on the scarf mount... Hey, now THAT would be really nice to see :good:


Now, I'm sure some of WWI prop-heads know this right off-the-cuff, BUT did they divide up the victories when the a/c has a crew of two???


I know when I flew the Salmson that my gunner downed some NME, but I can't for-the-life-of-me remember whether I got credit for them...

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The aerodrome link listed above mentions 2-3 Lewis guns on the scarf mount... Hey, now THAT would be really nice to see :good:


Now, I'm sure some of WWI prop-heads know this right off-the-cuff, BUT did they divide up the victories when the a/c has a crew of two???


I know when I flew the Salmson that my gunner downed some NME, but I can't for-the-life-of-me remember whether I got credit for them...


In the book 'The Fledgling' by Arch Whitehouse, in which he does what he does best --complaining about (long since resolved) injustices to the lower ranks, thus him-- he mentioned that most gunners, even ones that would be considered aces by scout standards were rarely credited with victories.

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