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Hey its me again...does anyone know if a flyable C-130 exists? I ask this because recently I got the weapons pack working and my planes can equip the A/C-130's guns along the bottom. Event if there isnt a flyable one how would I mod the normal one to have these guns? BTW I play SFP1...

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Guest Saganuay82

Yep. Go to the download section here and look for the AC-130 by Pasko, or go to his website and get it there.





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I'm pretty sure there are. I know of the AC-130, cause i flew it in the game. I know of some other variants also since i loaded up my C-130 with Paratroopers and sent them to kill Ho Chi Mihn.





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There´s also two C-130J s in the dll section on Moder Era planes.

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I'm pretty sure there are. I know of the AC-130, cause i flew it in the game. I know of some other variants also since i loaded up my C-130 with Paratroopers and sent them to kill Ho Chi Mihn.






Hi can you explain how you managed to equip your C-130 with Paratroops, I can see that in the weapons folder there are Paratroops listed but can't seem to get them to be usable, what do I need to modify to make them available?

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well from what i remember, it came with the "french super mod" or something. Anyway i just selected them at the loadout screen. Then pressed the open bomb-bay doors button and that lowered the cargo ramp. After that, i selected the paratroopers using the air2ground weapon selector button. then depressed the button and they started jumpin out. I put the paratroopers on everything. Even had them on my A-4 Skyhawk.



Hope this helped


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well from what i remember, it came with the "french super mod" or something. Anyway i just selected them at the loadout screen. Then pressed the open bomb-bay doors button and that lowered the cargo ramp. After that, i selected the paratroopers using the air2ground weapon selector button. then depressed the button and they started jumpin out. I put the paratroopers on everything. Even had them on my A-4 Skyhawk.



Hope this helped



Thanks at least I now know that it is possible to use the Paratroopers , you don't happen to know where I could locate the "French Super Mod" was it available on Combat ACE or another site?

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It's a check6, disremember the URL right now ... it is a HUGE mod...so expect to spend some time downloading it.


IIRC, it was designed for a online play. If you install it in toto, you might want to have a seperate 'install' of the game just for it.


Hey, it's from the Mirage Factory guys; ya can't go far wrong! :ok: There's some superb stuff in there.



kevin stein

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