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It's weird seeing a Pig ACTUALLY used in a combat role...

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Not too many people in Australia know this but the RAAF F-111C/Gs have recently had their capabilities expanded to include dropping live ordinance! They'll soon be retired from their front line role of entertaining pissed up racing fans at local Formula 1/Indy/Clipsal 500 events, eventually being replaced by the F/A-18A+, but in the meantime, they're showing international drug smuggling cartels who's who and what's what about trying to smuggle drugs through Australian waters... :biggrin: :biggrin:



Take that unarmed and unarmoured freighter!!

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Hot damn!!! Wish they'd do that to some of those bums that flit through the Gulf of Mexico and the Carriebean over here!


Nothing like blowing the *&^% out them to send a strong message!


Nice to see the Pigs being used 'constructively', too!!! I remember sitting through (on local TV of course) the closing cerimonies* of the Olympics, just waiting for that dump & burn! Even on TV it was awsome!



kevin stein


* looks like I'm starting to spell like USAFMTL/BTL/Onions/BBQsauce

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Yeah...no kidding....don't get much stronger than that, do it?

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