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Does anyone else get missing pylons for this and the echo?



It was fixed and reuploaded.

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We fixed the issues as much as we can, suggest using the loadouts we recommend. One point though there will come a point where it will become futile to try and make all the weapons fit, as its impossible due to model positions in max. So that is the way it is.

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No, it's cool. I didn't realise it'd been uploaded again. I'll give that one a go.

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Follow this link to some great F-16 pages, (You have to register, but it's free). It has just about anything and everything you'd want to know including pics from all different countries, models, accidents, etc. Good place to find weapons load, radar, ecm data, cockpit info, etc. Blk 60 is supposed to be able to carry JSOW, AGM-154, SLAM AGM-84E, and ASRAAM, AIM-142. UAE is the only customer, but it'd be great to see maybe a fictional USAF or IAF skin. :good:

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UAE is the only customer, but it'd be great to see maybe a fictional USAF or IAF skin. :good:


Screw the IAF, they've already got the Soufa, why should they get to double dip?? :biggrin: You've got a point though. A "what if the JSF proves too costly therefore we're producing advanced F-16 to meet our future needs until we get appropriations to fund additional JSFs" skin would be cool. :ok:

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