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My first project...gotta start small...

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Hey guys,


I've finally been able to jump into modeling for the TW series of sims. But I'm starting out SMALL! Weapons, launch racks...no vehicles for a while.


I've been doing a search, but haven't come up with a definite answer.


For you modders out there, what would be a good round number for polys for a cruise missile? I don't want to bring systems to their knees with some vertex nightmare just because someone would like to go all 'Dr. Strangelove'...


Anyway, my first project:




I've been getting a whole new appreciation for what you guys do...



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Okay, my first question. Been working for the past 3 days on the AGM-86B ALCM, got it looking good (sans texturing), mounts right, even has the exhaust emitters in the right place.


I've even got it animating...in 3ds Max. I can't seem to get it to animate in my WOE install though. This is what I've done:


1. Animation frames are 1-10

2. Animation Position/Rotation/Scale are all TCB

3. WeaponsPack data updated with ReleaseAnimationID=1


Anything obvious I'm missing?



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Y'all can thank Capun from the A-Team for this picture:




He pointed out my noob mistake and got me heading in the right direction!


"If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire... The A-Team."


Now to start skinning! :)



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