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Quick question before the C-130J/H Hercules is released...

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I'm just waiting on a few things before I release my C-130's, but I've just got a quick question for the forum.


Would everyone prefer if I released the C-130J-30, C-130J and C-130H as separate packages or in a single package (similar to the MiG-25/Tornado packages etc.) ?

Edited by Dels

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Seperate. As long as whichever is first can drop a daisycutter :crazy:

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I would release all together.


BTW are you going to have any templates for them?

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Why not both?


That way, you serve the people that want just one download, and you help out the bandwidth challenged

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i think seperate so that people dont get confused and ask for them later. Kind of like with the two seat A-10


Because heaven forbid they read anything..... :biggrin:

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Thanks guys, I think I will put them up separately...after all, I only have dial up. :rolleyes:


Dave, the .psd templates for my original C-130J-30 are already in the skin section. I will have to update them anyway. And I will upload the additional .psds for the stubby J and H versions.

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