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Hi all, i´m new in this forum. I´m interested in upload some skins i made time ago, but those things i always made for my personal use. Now there are some people interested in them, and gave me the idea of uploading into any site. I like yours, and i decided to upload here.The problem is i have some questions before uploading anything.


First i want to upload is a Spanish F-4C. You can think its only a skin, but i modified .ini files to match a Spanish F-4C in years of use, and being the only and default nation of the aircraft. Should i simplify the file to a skin only, or can i upload a "entire" aircraft? And, if i modify the default aircraft files, there are any problem on it? or i should get permission from thirdwire? Also skin really is a modification of default aircraft to match Spanish ones color more accurate, can be that a problem with anything or somebody?


OK, with all of that there are some other things i think can be a problem. I modified, of course, and it can´t be in other way, because default is an awful and nothing real one, Spanish markings. That can be a problem? of course i should include it on pack and explain where it places.


But it´s not the only. I modified DATA.ini for use F-4J addon pilots, as i painted it, but it not only modifies the F-4C, i modified F-4J for use other pilot, because its pilots are painted in a Spanish ones, and that i think is too much for an aircraft, modify stocks ones and F-4J for all people want Spanish F-4C... Really spanish people interested on it probably have no problem... :biggrin: but other ones probably yes. But i don´t know if it is posible make a copy of that stock pilots, and make it uses my painted textures. I tryed, but don´t work, think that information goes in LOD, and i can´t modify it.


Also i make number for almost the whole Squadron that flew Phamtom in Spain, and made a new entry in squadronlist.ini. Numbers are up to only 36 aircraft, was 40 in Spain, but the random select of number of the game fails a lot of times, going to the last number, and making all aircraft, but the one i fly, have no number. There are any fix for that? I have seen no solution in knowledge section. And when aircraft is flown as an AI one, almost every time there are no number and/or Squadron Patch. I can understand fail of number as it fails in the one you fly because of random number, but squadronpatch is fixed in aircraft, no other squad used this aircraft and there are only skin for it, why it fails also randomly?


Well, i´ll post more dudes in other moment, think that what i put there is so much for an only time!! :biggrin:


Post some screens, and say what you think about it...








I´m interested in make a Spanish Hornet also, but in readme say nothing about contact. Did you know how can i contact them?


Thank you in advance for help.



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So, basically, what you've done is modify the inis to create a 'country specific' aircraft, and created skins to match? Or are the skins just re-decaling of the original 3rd Wire units??


Uploading inis and decals pose no 'copyright' problems - especialy for country/nation specific aircraft (I've done it LOTS of times myself). Personally (and hopefull more of the moderators will chime in here), keeping the original 3rdW skins shouldn't be a problem, as the 3-tone pretty much exists in all versions of the sim.


On the other hand, if the original skin has been modified to use with this Spanish version, that'll WILL need to be stated in the readme, if the skin bmps are included. Credit to TK is always a good thing -- let's him know we care :wink:


As I said, as the aircraft exists in all versions, uploading the LODs won't be necessary, as the game engine will just pull them from the object.cat file for in game use.


Uploading skins and inis is OK in my book.


It's funny you should mention that, I and several of the moderators were just discussing that this afternoon. As long as no "core files" (the LODd, or physical model) is uploaded, anything else is cool.


If you've any questions or problems, feel fee to PM me; I'll help as best I can.

I have a great belief in "You can never have too many Phantoms" :ok:



Kevin Stein

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Here is the C-12 done by Sundowner, this should help guide you.




Also if you are looking for a Spanish F/A-18, look no further.




Both should give you an excellent idea on how to do it on your own.

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Very nice skins!!


Are you spanish? we are not a plague around, so spanish or not welcome/Bienvenido!

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  Stratos said:
Very nice skins!!

Are you spanish? we are not a plague around, so spanish or not welcome/Bienvenido!


Sí Stratos. Gracias!! :wink:


USAFMTL, i saw that aircraft, and, with all respect to creators of that for the hardwork that i know is create a one, these are not spanish ones representatives, and dont make justice to the original ones. As i wanted, years ago yet, fly a really exact Spanish Phamtom, as i´m spanish, i do it as close to the real thing as i was able. Also as i esplained above, i don´t create an only aircraft, but numbers for all the Squadron flying that aircraft in Spain :wink: .



Wrench, of course, i modify stock ones. I re-decal original with my decals, as original Spanish are horrible, and squadrontail ones doesn´t exist. Also a new entry in squadronlist.ini. And yes, skin is stock one, but modified to match Spanish one, as its color are no exact to original, and some parts of aircraft were not exact also. Now its a new diferent skin, but originally were stock ones, yes. Then, isn´t any problem uploading that? Of course i´ll give credit to TK. LOD i don´t need to upload, as are in objets.cat, but i don´t know were are physical model, as i modified DATA.ini to make a "spanish specific", and aircraft flight data is there, isn´t it? But i didn´t modify that flight data of course. Any problem with that? :dntknw:


The real thing is Spanish aircraft, in general, are not so common in flight simulators. And SFP1 gave me the oportunity of make a lot of them, as many of that 60-70´s aircraft flew in Spain. Also i tried to modify campaing to make a fictional Spanish one, using my Spanish F-86, F-104G and Phamtom. If i modify Hornet i can continue that campaing, and with the Mirage IIIE make a IIIEE spanish one for that purpose and alternative aircraft to Phamtom. But all those things I did for me own use, and when I gave no internet even!! I made it and learned only opening .ini´s with notepad years ago... :rolleyes::biggrin:


OK, the problem with random aircraft numbers somebody know how fix it? And the same problem when the aircraft is put there by sim as random flight not only with numbers, also with squadrontail, any fix? :dntknw: I want to upload an aircraft working in all aspect.


I forget, and modified pilots? what can i do with that?? I´ll not make all people downloading my aircraft to modify also F-4J DATA.ini... :rolleyes:


Thak you all really for the help and comments, all welcome :wink::wink::wink: .


I post some images more of other work...








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  Ala13_ManOWar said:
Sí Stratos. Gracias!! :wink:


USAFMTL, i saw that aircraft, and, with all respect to creators of that for the hardwork that i know is create a one, these are not spanish ones representatives, and dont make justice to the original ones. As i wanted, years ago yet, fly a really exact Spanish Phamtom, as i´m spanish, i do it as close to the real thing as i was able. Also as i esplained above, i don´t create an only aircraft, but numbers for all the Squadron flying that aircraft in Spain :wink: .

Wrench, of course, i modify stock ones. I re-decal original with my decals, as original Spanish are horrible, and squadrontail ones doesn´t exist. Also a new entry in squadronlist.ini. And yes, skin is stock one, but modified to match Spanish one, as its color are no exact to original, and some parts of aircraft were not exact also. Now its a new diferent skin, but originally were stock ones, yes. Then, isn´t any problem uploading that? Of course i´ll give credit to TK. LOD i don´t need to upload, as are in objets.cat, but i don´t know were are physical model, as i modified DATA.ini to make a "spanish specific", and aircraft flight data is there, isn´t it? But i didn´t modify that flight data of course. Any problem with that? :dntknw:


The real thing is Spanish aircraft, in general, are not so common in flight simulators. And SFP1 gave me the oportunity of make a lot of them, as many of that 60-70´s aircraft flew in Spain. Also i tried to modify campaing to make a fictional Spanish one, using my Spanish F-86, F-104G and Phamtom. If i modify Hornet i can continue that campaing, and with the Mirage IIIE make a IIIEE spanish one for that purpose and alternative aircraft to Phamtom. But all those things I did for me own use, and when I gave no internet even!! I made it and learned only opening .ini´s with notepad years ago... :rolleyes::biggrin:


OK, the problem with random aircraft numbers somebody know how fix it? And the same problem when the aircraft is put there by sim as random flight not only with numbers, also with squadrontail, any fix? :dntknw: I want to upload an aircraft working in all aspect.


I forget, and modified pilots? what can i do with that?? I´ll not make all people downloading my aircraft to modify also F-4J DATA.ini... :rolleyes:


Thak you all really for the help and comments, all welcome :wink::wink::wink: .


I post some images more of other work...







¡La hostia tio! ¡Qué buena pinta tienen!

They are really good looking!

Hop, you can upload them soon!


Are you also doing fictitious skins or real only?

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  Ala13_ManOWar said:
Sí Stratos. Gracias!! :wink:


USAFMTL, i saw that aircraft, and, with all respect to creators of that for the hardwork that i know is create a one, these are not spanish ones representatives, and dont make justice to the original ones.

I hate to disagree with you on the Phantom but the C-12 was made especially to the specs of the C-12 to include modding the original max file.

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:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: Gracias!!! jajaja


As I said I make all that things for my own use. For example I take no permission for repaint F-86, but, as it was for me only, I didn´t need it... till now...


And F-104G has same problem with random numbering ingame that F-4, but problem is worst, as I painted the only 18 aircraft flown by Spain, and copy that numbers twice. But 36 numbers are little, and most of time random choose the last one, making IA´s wingmans not to have numbers... :( Hope find a solution here, with all of you, expert in SFP1.


And other repaints?? I make repaints for too much things, Il-2, FS, SFP1... I have little time and can´t take so work all at the same time!! But I do with pleasure, as the pleasure of fly a decent Spanish Phamtom, and do what i can :wink: .



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I hate to disagree with you on the Phantom but the C-12 was made especially to the specs of the C-12 to include modding the original max file.


OK, I said clearly I knew the work a thing like that is, and never wanna look down on work by any people. I didn´t modify for example cockpit to get RWR as Spanish F-4 had, and its so easy as put F-4E cockpit on my F-4C and tune it a little, but its more work that I didn´t wanted to take. If I didn´t wanted to take then i cannot look down any work took by others.


But what you see finally is the whole work, and of course what is in surface, even with that great work of modding max file. And for that you only have to see original images from Spanish aircraft, and skin, Squadron patch, Spanish marks and so on, what make that aircraft Spanish and no other, I think are not up to spected, for me of course, when I want to fly my Spanish Phamtom. You can say I did it with love because it´s an emblematic aircraft of Spanish Air Force, and you are OK, but I prefer mine, sorry. See photos from original, and compare to that c.12 and to mine.



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Guest Sony Tuckson

What do you think about this one?


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  Sony Tuckson said:
What do you think about this one?


Nice pretty one! It´s yours? I didn´t find in Data base, but its so enormous I couldn´t see every skin.


For example that also uses the awful default Spanish markings. Compare it to what I used. Also colours are Frech, isn´t it? Spanish ones used later other diferent shade. But the colour weathered is very close to that :wink: .


Where is it for download?



Edited by Ala13_ManOWar

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any prevision to Spanish F-5?

they are modernizating they F-5, so you are thinking in make one 2?

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Guest Sony Tuckson

It's not french markings at all, it's a new skin, only based on existing templates, but with newer tones and effects


It's planned as a C11 only, two different nose serials are offered, showing the two periods


The roundels can easily be corrected, it's only a two colours decal, no big deal for sure


Not released yet


here is another Iberic peninsula fighter..


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Uffffffff, I think about a F-5, of course, but F-5B are the updated ones, F-5A were not in use a lot time ago. There are F-5B model for SFP1? I didn´t see it. Its too much work, I paint Skins for so many sims... and fly all of them, there is no enough time for all I want to do... :sad:


Tuckson, I don´t know your sources, but then if you make two aircraft, the old style, and the new before end of life, you should paint two diferent squemes, as they were not painted all its life in the same way. Pattern is the same, but colors not. Must say perhaps shade is not the same, because colors are the "same", you understand? And, I don´t see in that screen, but Spanish ones were painted in lower parts not light grey but a metalic grey, not silver, but almost :wink: .




Edit: nice F-16!! Yes, Spanish roundels were not a problem to make, I do in fact, you see. But only Spanish guys are interested, I think, in have the correct marking... :( Thats a point against TK.

Edited by Ala13_ManOWar

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Nice Mirage, Sony!


Ala13, as to editing pilots, it's a rather simple matter of hex editing the existing lod to take the new pilot skin. I've done it dozens of times (as anyone around here can tell you)


There are 4 files for the stock pilots:







They use a 7 digit naming convention (ie: Pilot**). After making the paint changes to your pilot skin (the bmp), save it with a max of 7 digits; for your Spanish pilot, I'd use PilotSP (Pilot Spain).


Having extracted the stock pilots lods and ini, rename them all to match (again, PilotSP). Open the PilotSP.LOD with a hex editor, and do a 'search for' bmp. A reminder: there are 3 instances of the bmp callout in each of the stock 3rdWire pilot lods. They'll all need changing.

Say we're using the PilotN1, 3rdWire stock unit, as our base lod. On the panel of the hex editor, you'd see "PilotN1.bmp". Just carefully type over the N1 with SP, and search again until you've gotten them all changed. Save and close the hex editor.

Do the same for the PilotSP_LOD002.


Open the newly renamed PilotSP.ini, and change the lod pointers, like in the example below:










It takes about 5 minutes to do both lods and ini edits.


Once the editing is done, drop all 4 of the new pilot files into the /Object/Aircraft folder, and edit the data in of the aircraft in question, and you're done.

(the data ini part you probably knew already)


See, it's easy! I use a free hex editor called "XVI32". It's real easy to use, and best of all, it's FREEEEEE!!!


Back to the Rhino, the LOD is the physical model. Anything else is fair game to upload!



kevin stein

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Many Thanks Wrench!!!!


What I didn´t knew is I can edit LOD´s, I opened in notepad, and wordpad, but doesn´t work.


I´ll do that. Thanks really :wink: .


A question then. Modified LOD, only name diferent but stock one really, for the pilot, can I upload?


Thanks again.




P.D.: Ala13 is my virtual Squadron, I fly Il-2 online. And I´m in the habit of write "complete" nick, tag included :wink: . www.ala13.com

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Guest Sony Tuckson

Don't worry about spanish roundels


Belgian roundels aren't correct neither, that's in fact how I got started at all with skinning


Even USAF markings are sometimes wrong, look at WOE's F-15, the Eagle had specific roundels, not like those provided.....


So all those things are for us to correct and improve ;)


I only did one camo for the Mirage but with my present templates I could adapt it slightly, provided with more info, as I was somewhat lacking detailled documentation


And another Spanish fighter for tonight...the C14, with the initial version of the low viz grey scheme, used for some years before the fighters were upgraded and another version of this scheme applied (with less black areas). I know the loading is incorrect, EDA fighters are equipped with american weapons....it's a quick screenshot, nothing more.


Edited by Sony Tuckson

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Pilot lods are ok to upload


Sony; the EDA Mirage F1's use American weapons??? For the radar missile, did they use Sparrows??? Seem kinda odd they'd not use the French weapons, what with France being right next door....shipping costs would be less I think :wink:



kevin stein

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Pretty one Tuckson!! :good:


In that case Spanish roundel are smaller, according with low visibility squeme :wink: .


I supose you refer to wingtips missiles, because nowadays F-1 uses Sidewinders, but time ago, at first time of service there was that missiles in use I think.


For radar missile, uses Matra. It can´t use Sparrows. Sidewinder was, I think, a patch for use a lot of missiles in stock for other aircraft in Spain instead of new French ones. In fact for example Spanish Phamtom uses AIM-9B!! until news AIM-9J in 1978, and late 9L.


I think there are many images over the net you can use as source. Even airliners.net have a lot images, the only thing is they are modern in most cases, but old Mirages in camouflage and French blue are few.



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Guest Sony Tuckson

yes as usual, if you look for older stuff, it's not as easy to find nice pics


I had no idea about radar guided missiles, but I think the French radar aboard will only guide French missiles


As for IRM, AIM-9J are a common sight on Mirage F-1C during the 80's...


rgr for roundel, I will slightly reduce the size

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Yes Tuckson, in 80´s you can saw AIM9J´s, but thats old model. AIM-9J now are in use, but its a new Juliet version, upgraded for F-1´s, as F-18 use AIM-9L upgraded similar to 9M´s, or newer.


Well, last modified and definitive at moment of upload...




Ok, all is running, I have now my spanish pilots (thanks wrench ), and textures I have are Ok also.


Fix to the problem with random numbers are done, as I copy numbers for filling 000 to 099, now isn´t any problem.


I simplfied aircraft for no need of entries in squadronlist.ini, but squad patch is working right.


Tuned Loadout for match Spanish aircraft with the weapons pack, but are no specific weapons, then are yet some errors, like that with SUU16 upgraded to SUU23, not in service in Spain. Really little difference, and I can modify later, and add for example EXPAL bombs, copy of Mk82 & 83, easy to do. Also I used stock camouflage tanks from weapons pack. Only green is slightly different, but I can live with that as no need of new entries in weaponsdata.ini.


Well, I uploaded the file, hope somebody could interest it.


Thank you all for the support, comments, and help.


My next work, need some fixes, but is almost ended...





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