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Weapon effects

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Sometimes when I'm dropping bombs or firing missiles there will be no effect on the target. I'm sure the dates are right for the weapons and aircraft. Also, I know that the weapons have enough destructive power for the task at hand. I've tried the knowledge base, but I only found data on editing the ini files. I'd appreciate any help with this. :dntknw: Thanks.

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I want to make sure here....are you hitting the target and not getting 'a Earth shattering ka-boom'? Does it happen only sometimes? Is it that there are no visual effects, or no actual damage? Or are you talking about guidance problems?


I think weapons have a 'dud' probability factor in the ini file somewhere (I think, maybe). Also, I think sometimes the game engine will not show weapon effects if it feels like it's getting bogged down. I know if I do a 'stick' drop in a F-111 right over the runway (24 Mk82 Snakeyes at .5 second intervals) that not every explosion will show up.



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I want to make sure here....are you hitting the target and not getting 'a Earth shattering ka-boom'? Does it happen only sometimes? Is it that there are no visual effects, or no actual damage? Or are you talking about guidance problems?


I think weapons have a 'dud' probability factor in the ini file somewhere (I think, maybe). Also, I think sometimes the game engine will not show weapon effects if it feels like it's getting bogged down. I know if I do a 'stick' drop in a F-111 right over the runway (24 Mk82 Snakeyes at .5 second intervals) that not every explosion will show up.



The weapons hit the target and explode, but you get no mission accomplished. My most recent example is 24 ea M117 High Drag against a runway in Libya. I flew a BDA pass and the thing was swiss cheese, but not "destroyed by the game". I've had similar results with JDAMs.

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Runways aren't easy targets. I'm not sure how the game figures out if it's destroyed or not.

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Okay, that I have never seen.


Haven't a clue...except for sometimes using Weapons that were not big enough or enough of them.



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I've been using GBUs on other targets and they're working great. I haven't been able to get the runway mission to come up again yet. I'll let you know how it turns out.

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This only happens on the Middle East Terrains, i.e. Libya, etc. I just ran the runway mission in a F-15E. I have tried GBU-15, MK83,(1000lb), and GBU-31. I even dropped them one after the other to make sure there was enough destructive power. You can see the explosions and the craters, but still no mission accomplished. Could there be something in the ini file for the Libya/ Israel II terrains that I can tweak? :dntknw:

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This only happens on the Middle East Terrains, i.e. Libya, etc. I just ran the runway mission in a F-15E. I have tried GBU-15, MK83,(1000lb), and GBU-31. I even dropped them one after the other to make sure there was enough destructive power. You can see the explosions and the craters, but still no mission accomplished. Could there be something in the ini file for the Libya/ Israel II terrains that I can tweak? :dntknw:


Did you repeatly hit the runway? You need to "carpet bomb" the hell outta the runway to "destroy" it.




PS. Try carpet bomb with MK82s and max out the bombload.

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Actually, you don't need to carpet bomb the runways...at least in the Germany terrain. A couple of 1000lb LGBs or about 5 500lb weapons usually works. If this happens for a specific terrain, there may be something else at work here.



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I've had this happen numerous times with the Germany terrain. Extremely frustrating after a 40 minute flight to the target...


edit: IIRC there was some problem with building placements around the runway, like the game was reading some other runway file? (wtf)

Edited by littlesmoke

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I have to agree with the Germany terrain idea. I can blow those runways pretty easy; 30mm Avenger will do it if you are close and pour all your rounds into it. I've even tried to Nuke the runway with various Tomahawk, ACLM, and SRAM missles. None of them have an "effect" on the runway, but they do kill everything else around, including aircraft that are to close. I appreciate everyone chiming in on this; I wish we had a solution though. It's pretty frustrating to scrap the mission when you can't destroy the target. Just a side bar to this; is anyone working a modern Iraq/ Iran terrain? I'd love to fly downtown Bahgdad and Tehran and give them a few GBUs to chew on. :good:

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Just a side bar to this; is anyone working a modern Iraq/ Iran terrain





It just needs flattening on certain airfields, some new and some 'moved' to their correct locations.

I've almost doubled the target areas (127), and 155 objects in the types ini, many modified or new objects, including a working Silkworm battery at the Shatt al-Arab (thanks to Moonjumper!). New movements inis for CAS and Armed Recon.


But, in truth, the north east quadrant needs a complete rebuild - adding the Caspian Sea shore, moving Tehran and it's associated airport closer to where it should be in real life.


You'll find some WIP screenshot here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...ost&p=93475



kevin stein

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It just needs flattening on certain airfields, some new and some 'moved' to their correct locations.

I've almost doubled the target areas (127), and 155 objects in the types ini, many modified or new objects, including a working Silkworm battery at the Shatt al-Arab (thanks to Moonjumper!). New movements inis for CAS and Armed Recon.


But, in truth, the north east quadrant needs a complete rebuild - adding the Caspian Sea shore, moving Tehran and it's associated airport closer to where it should be in real life.


You'll find some WIP screenshot here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...ost&p=93475



kevin stein

I really appreciate you working on the Terrain. I can't wait until it's finished. :good:

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