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Changing Cannon Sounds

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Hello Gentlemen,


I bought WOE a couple of weeks ago and I have been enjoying it a lot I've been here and other places downloading all the extra stuff. Really love the game but there was one thing I wanted to change. It would seem to that there should be quite a big difference in the sounds of the 23mm and the 37mm guns on the Mig 15-17. I have my own 37mm sound from another game and have tried to substitute it but I still get the original cannon sound for that gun. I have added it to the Soundlist.ini, put it in the Sounds folder and have changed the sound for the 37mm guns in the Gundata.ini file. There must be something else I'm missing. I would really appreciate if some could point me in the right direction.



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You're right. The 37mm should have some thump to it. I think its was Boots Blesse that said you could actually feel the muzzle blast impacting your control surfaces through the flightstick when a MiG fired it at you. :blink:


Couple of things to check. Make sure the file is saved as a 11,025 hz 16bit Mono file. There are two places to add the file to the soundlist.ini.

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And don't forget the usual adding weapon ini dance, this time done with the gun editor as your partner. After changing the pointer in the text section, yo still have to run the gun editor on the changed weapons, to create a gundata.dat


Now, that being said, I've been trying to use the Vickers wav from FE for the 303's in the Hurri's and Spits....

added it tothe soundslist ini, both entries (number and description bits), copied the wav from FE into my ETO/SWOTL install, changed the entry (with the gun editor, in this case)....

and I got no 303 sound!!!


You'd think a stock wav, albeit from another 'version' of the game would work....or I'm just missing a step again!



kevin stein


never was a dancer....

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Thanks for the responses everyone. I'll check my sound again to see if it is compatible. Yeah, I missed the Guneditor step so that's probably the problen right there. I'll mess with it some more tonight and see what happens.



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Yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about!


So, give! How'd you do it??



kevin stein

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Yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about!


So, give! How'd you do it??



kevin stein


It's in the "Sound & FX" megapack that I released a couple of years ago. Perhaps I should post the 'Mega Readme' (as USAFBLT refers to it) from that, on the knowledge base.

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Yeah, it was not using the Guneditor that was causing the problem. I ended up using the original cannon sound modified by the sound recorder to get a decent thud for the 37mm. I changed the 30mm for the Mig19 and 50cal too. Sounds much better now.

I have another question. On all my Mig 15-17s I have 23mm as primary gun and the 37mm as secondary. Some planes come that way like the Yak 9. The problem is that the AI can't seem to find the trigger for the secondary gun. I have the UberAI file which has lines dealing with the secondary gun control but the AI never uses it. I haven't yet found a post here referring to this situation and I was hoping that someone might have an answer.



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