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Noob modding questions

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Hello all,

So I just managed to obtain 3D Max 7 and would like to start modding (yes, yes I would actually like to atleast TRY to contribute in a positive manner rather than BSing on various forum's about stuff and then ending up with warning's and locked topics :biggrin: ).


Sooo having said that i have a few question's (bear with me)


a) Are model's which are created using 3D max 7 useable with the game ?


b) I want to work on the HAL HF-24 Marut (Wind Spirit) MKI aircraft and underdog of aviation, would any of the modder's here be willing to help me out once in a while ?


c) Is there any intrest in seeing the aforementioned aircraft coming to fruition ?


d) Would anyone be willing to do the skin's for this aircraft ?


Thanks, I know I'm asking a lot but what the heck !

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In answer to your questions:


1. As far as I know, 3ds Max 7 models can be exported to the LOD format. The exporter is available for download from ThirdWire.


2. I'd help you out as much as I can...but I'm learning myself. I'd recommend if you have no modeling experience, start out with something other than an aircraft. Otherwise, you might get frustrated early and quit.


3. I've never heard of it...but don't let that stop you. If you aren't intrinsically motivated to finish an aircraft, no amount of external motivation will help you...especially if you're doing it for free.


4. Not I...my skinning still sucks.


Welcome to the world of modeling...



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Thanks Fast Cargo, to be more precise I'm really going to attempt to make the model so that I can contribute in some shape or form to add variety to type's of aircraft available, and if I do succeed then it will defintely be freeware also with regards to help I'm just really looking for pointer's that's all and would appreciate any when available.


With regard's to the a/c, I love this bird why ? Because like I said earlier it's an aircraft that not many people have heard of and was also the last aircraft that the famed designer Kurt Waldemar Tank (famed for the FW-190 and it's variant's) helped design and the aircraft for it's size packed a decent punch four 30mm aden cannon's in the nose :ok: for example and a retractable 50 x 2.68in rockets launcher and four underwing pylons all of this in the 60's for a country like India with then roughly 13 years of independence.


All in all thanks for the reply. There I'm done with my speech...whew !

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to FastCargo, you listen!!


More than airplanes, we could use LOTS of ground objects...there are a boatload of 'missin' items (vehicle wise) that should hopefully be much easier to model (this from the guy that has trouble makes a cube in Anim8or, let alone max!)


Off the top of my head, we could use a Hummer, SON-9 AA radar, US Skysweeper AA gun....and a host of other.

I want a pony! :rofl:


No, but seriously, starting with smaller objects is a good way to learn, so I've been told.



kevin stein

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Yeah, We do need a lot of ground objects, mainly US Anti Air and some more ships.

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An interesting choice of a little known aircraft with a interesting history, what always intrigued me regarding the Marut was that it was part of a joint Egyptian / Indian programme to develop an indegenious aircraft that was subsequently ended when both countries succumbed and brought cheap readily available soviet aircraft after the 1967 Arab/Iraeli war. The Marut actually saw some combat in the airwars against Pakistan.


http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/IAF/History/...aft/Marut1.html Link to History of the Marut which is well worth a read for an Aviation History buff.


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Look at Mustang's videos - they are very, very helpful.

Try, try and try some more...

I'll be happy to help if I can - Capun was of immense assistance to me when I was trying to learn so I'll make what ever attempt I can at aiding you when you hit a snag.

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An interesting choice of a little known aircraft with a interesting history, what always intrigued me regarding the Marut was that it was part of a joint Egyptian / Indian programme to develop an indegenious aircraft that was subsequently ended when both countries succumbed and brought cheap readily available soviet aircraft after the 1967 Arab/Iraeli war. The Marut actually saw some combat in the airwars against Pakistan.http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/IAF/History/...aft/Marut1.html Link to History of the Marut which is well worth a read for an Aviation History buff.
You're almost right about the joint Indian and Egyptian part except that was ONLY with regards to HAL's search for engine's that would push the aircraft close to mach 2 with regards to the actual design the aircraft was co-designed by Kurt Tank along with HAL. The engine's that were used for the production MKI Marut were Rolls Royce Orpheous 703's, because HAL, wasn't happy with the result's of the proposed Indo/Egyptian E-300 Brander engine's. The Marut was used roughly (100+) by the IAF till the late 80's.
Look at Mustang's videos - they are very, very helpful.Try, try and try some more...I'll be happy to help if I can - Capun was of immense assistance to me when I was trying to learn so I'll make what ever attempt I can at aiding you when you hit a snag.
Thank's for the offer to assist when possible. :ok: Edited by Atreides

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Marut is Good! thumbs.gif


If I can learn enough FM, I could do that. I have not even begun thinking about supersonics.

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b) I want to work on the HAL HF-24 Marut (Wind Spirit) MKI aircraft and underdog of aviation, would any of the modder's here be willing to help me out once in a while ?


c) Is there any intrest in seeing the aforementioned aircraft coming to fruition ?


I, for one, would love and be proud to see the Marut in game :good:

I would be interested in making the decals for it :wink: .

But did you get any decent 3-view drawings for it? I have one , but its pretty low res.

It was designed to be an interceptor as well as a strike aircraft. But the lack of good engines limited it to the ground attack role. The Marut saw action in the 1971 war. Maruts were serving with No. 31 & 220 Sqdns. A Marut pilot even shot down a PAF F-86 during the 1971 war. No Maruts were lost in air to air combat. Four HF-24s were lost to Anti-Aircraft fire.

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