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Guest Ranger332

Two New Hanger screens.

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Guest Ranger332

one for the F4 Phantoms,another for the FJ4-b

enjoy.rember to convert to bmp.


***Edited by MadJeff to remove .ZIP file***

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Arent you supposed to ask for permission before you repost someone elses work? Mainly the F-4F's hangar screen that is in my F-4F package that I got permission to use from the person who took the photo. That is just common courtesy.

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Posting anything and leading others to believe it's your work will only make others frown upon you. Give credit where credit is due.




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Guest Ranger332

what are you talking about I made the F4j last week and the F4 hanger screen four days ago and as far as the photo wifey took that one several years ago during a "flugtag" fly day in Germeny. several ppl took photos all over. and making a false claim is just as bad.might want to Pm ,or E-mail a person befor you go public.

Just like with the tiles at least that time you did it right ,by asking how it was done.

shoot during our return from deployment I even got pic of photographers taking pic of me taking pic of them lol, cameras everywere

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Guest Ranger332


Member #: 230


Hey Ranger

Post the photos you are working off. I want to see what you are working with. "








eather way I do want any one who thinks Iam using someones elses work contact me and just ask. I would reather have it talked out then have someone just "thinking the wrong thing" most times Ive found that by talking it out you can find out things faster. (I even had photos published by other in book ,and mags that were mine---come to find out I gave a copy to someone and they gave it to another who thought it was thiers.



just like the text in this forum:


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Oh you made the Fury? Wow it looks nothing like thw one I did. :roll: That Fury in the hanger screen had the Red devils tail. I did that one based one Zurs model. Uploaded it to Avsim with his permission. That stripe across the fusealge may be yours, that plane is not. And I got the emails to to prove it. Even Zur can back me up. That hanger screen background is the one that came with my F-4F mod. Do you deny that?



Well I am calling you out now, you are using other people mods etc and claming them as your own.


Believe me, you will be hearing more about this.

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what are you talking about I made the F4j last week and the F4 hanger screen four days ago and as far as the photo wifey took that one several years ago during a "flugtag" fly day in Germeny. several ppl took photos all over. and making a false claim is just as bad.might want to Pm ,or E-mail a person befor you go public.

Just like with the tiles at least that time you did it right ,by asking how it was done.

shoot during our return from deployment I even got pic of photographers taking pic of me taking pic of them lol, cameras everywere


Ranger, I'm afraid USAFMTL has correctly "called you out" on this one. The image in the F-4B Hanger screen you posted is obviously the exact image that USAFMTL has in his F-4J package he posted onsite a week or so ago from Airliners.net. Unless you were taking a picture at the exact same location with the lens resting on his shoulder, and I seriously doubt that. :?


While it's obvious to me the winter terrain tiles you posted above are original and are scanned from the image you show, this kind of thing casts doubt on your current and future skinning work. A simple "here's a redo of USAFMTL's Hanger" would have sufficed, but to continue to insist this is an original photo by you is an obvious fabrication, and I must say I'm rather disappointed that you would stoop to copying others work and claim it as your own. :(


I would suggest that a simple admission of guilt and an apology would go a long ways in mending the fences here.



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Guest Ranger332



this is from my winter koran tile set


as Iam not at my Pc right now Ill post thre rest later


and as far as the f4 hanger I havent seen "your" hanger screen


and the fj4 is done withe my first attempt at decals as you can see it went to big the wings went black and the redtail angel dident match up right


that "stripe" as you called is this not a stripe at all but this



for what ever reason it not showing but its the "patch" to the right in my sig.



is this the site your talking about:http://www.Airliners.net. as all I had to go on was airliners.net (this is the first I heard of it) I cant find the F4J upload your "talking about"


Ill be home around 2200 hours at my pc then I can show you more. till then one question as much as the ppl that work on and "play" this sim are "on here",and simhq why would I "commit sucide" by claiming somebodies work as my own then post it were they are sure to find it and respond to it? not to smart is it!

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You have got to be hosing me Ranger. :roll: You know I am done with you.


"and as far as the f4 hanger I havent seen "your" hanger screen "


Yes you have you dolt, you d/l my Euro campaign and that damn hanger screen is in there with the F-4F.




That is where you got the F-104S I modded, as well, in which in that post you say you made.


Dug that hole deeper man, keep on digging.

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Guest Ranger332

"Meny Thanks to USAFMTL for his efforts,adding to his work I made a F-104S folder to put his (USAFMTL ) mods into A DIFFERENT FOLDER SO YOU CAN STILL KEEP THE F-104G. "


read that again it plainly states your mod in I stated I made a FOLDER so you dont lose the F-104G(when I first loaded it up I lost the G so I got it off another pc and made a seperate folder(read my statment again.)


ok I just lookat at you F4 hanger screen no not the same angle but I do now see you point they are at the same time and place. when i get home Ill check with the wife to see more about where she got the photo fron in her photo album. for point of referance I dont use the hanger screens in the game I make some of my own just for fun. I posted mainly to test as I have been having probs posting vids of my new tiles,even on other sites so they can be seen here.

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ok I just lookat at you F4 hanger screen no not the same angle but I do now see you point they are  at the same time and place. when i get home Ill check with the wife to see more about where she got the photo fron in her photo album.

Ranger, come on, do you think we are really that stupid?? I've taken the image from USAFMTL's F-4J package for reference and added arrows to the most obvious places to compare. They are exactly the same, and frankly I'm a little ticked that you would think us stupid enough to think otherwise. And unless your wife's name is Gunter Grostein, I don't think she took the picture. :roll:

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Your honor, the prosecution rests its case. I hope you get banned Ranger.

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He posts this work as his and it is apparently not.

He then tells a Member that theirs has been done before....and I Quote:


Not being a butt as you say (Gecko) just tring to warn him off some ppl dont understand hard work and effort can gererate from two different sorces without them knowing each other, dident want him to get accused of "stealing someones work" some here like to make that claim!  


From: http://forum.biohazcentral.com/index.php?showtopic=2240


Yours or not, where did you get the picture. My point being Ranger....your not putting up a very good case at all. If I were accused, I would post a link to website that I got the pic...and maybe admit to using it. The PIC IS the same. However I don't know if the Hanger Screen is the same...maybe MJ can confirm that. If the latter is true, then I would be pretty pissed. If you took the screen of a webiste somewhere and produced a similar screen that USAFMTL produced....then, well, goto the link above...it does happen.


Needless to say Ranger, your track record isn't very shiny. You know it, I know it MJ knows it several over at SW know it.

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Guest Ranger332

ok found out what happend it seems that wifes brother got the pics as a suvenior and gave them to her as they were with the rest of her pics I though she took them(she use to attend alot of "Flugdags" so for one I was wrong (seems a need to check out her pics before I post them. I only have my pic in strage) so for once I am wrong. as your friend if he rember a J Henns sort of cuhbby blound,after he got out became a meatcutter at a slaughterhouse.?


so you can call me wrong it dont happen to offen.


delay was due to time diff and a running water pipe here.

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Guest Ranger332

now on to the Fj the one you had had no firering post the on in the hanger did and the RTD that you see on the tail was due to my firts try at decals that failed badly

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Guest Ranger332

final shots

had it pics shown somwere here as Navalized F-86


thes were done from a revamped blackhawk decal for the size and something went wrong.



so there it is and MJ do as you will I have no hard felling as lets be real its your site.

but sure is funny as they say right after I point out that this can happen to oue of the newbies I happens to me.




so eather way I am not mad at any one (wish I could find that f-86 naval posting)

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Guest Ranger332

here is a pic if it but I stopped when the Fj4 was released as I was having probs with the color was using the A1h navy as a referance

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Ranger, don't you think it might be time to come clean here? Posting this photo of the album doesn't help you here. The aging or lack of in the photo makes it highly suspect when shown next to the others on the same page. Also the perspective is off meaning it doesn't take much to tell it was photoshoped in. Its to bad this had to go this far as a simple apology at the start, would have probably ended this.

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Do you take me for an idiot? I have seen some morons in my life but you are slowly working your way to #1. Who are trying you fool here? I have seen better pic editing by my 6 yr old son. So do yourself a favor quit embarrasing your 15 yr old self. (Because if you are in the Army then I am the king of Siam) . You can't paint, you can't edit, the only thing you can do is BS your way throught life and take credit for someone elses work. That is why you got banned from the Tainted Cigar Project/Skunkworks forum. JUST GO AWAY! :roll: :twisted:

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Guest Ranger332

What! as I stated the pic was gotten from her brother and the pics are about 10-14 years apart. and if i was going to do as you say dont you think I would age it with Infra view or something


is this want your tring to say ? called a friend to see if it can be done

now if I was trying to trik you wouldent I try harder



like I said I posted what I found out so do as you will."]wifes brother got the pics as a suvenior and gave them to her as they were with the rest of her pics I though she took them(she use to attend alot of "Flugdags" so for one I was wrong (seems a need to check out her pics before I post them"

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Klinger once tried to get outta the Army because "Wifes-Brother Pregnant". I'm sorry dude but your photo edit of your photo album is a joke.


If you were to turn the pics about another 2.8 Degrees to the left and maybe blured/darkened them a little it may have passed.


And why all the other post...are we trying to detour from the real concern! Man you are a piece of work....is that someone elses piece of work...





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Gonna have to agree here. The facts are there, guess I know the reason why you got banned. editing someones work and giving credit is how things are done, but what you did, is, well. I shouldn't have to explain it.

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ok found out what happend it seems that wifes brother got the pics as a suvenior and gave them to her as they were with the rest of her pics I though she took them(she use to attend alot of "Flugdags" so for one I was wrong (seems a need to check out her pics before I post them. I only have my pic in strage) so for once I am wrong. as your friend if he rember a J Henns sort of cuhbby blound,after he got out became a meatcutter at a slaughterhouse.?


so you can call me wrong it dont happen to offen.


delay was due to time diff and a running water pipe here.


I don't know what to say Ranger. Even though I didn't believe your explanation I wouldn't have said much more, but then you pushed it too far with the doctored photo album. You didn't even bother to blend out the edges of the mask for cryin' out loud.


This unfortunately will cast doubt on any future skins you post and I have a feeling they will be gone over with a fine-tooth comb. I would ask in the future you refrain from posting any work based on the work of others. :cry: Consider this a warning.

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Guest Ranger332

my last posting on this "If you were to turn the pics about another 2.8 Degrees to the left and maybe blured/darkened them a little it may have passed. "

you forgot I had pulled it out of the boof wasent even page at the same page.


MJ If you want to bann me then do so as this is getting now were. and again I have no bad feelings about this.

as I have meny real things I have done in a real life. so if this is so disruptive then remove all postings IAN AM HERE FOR THE GAME not personel glory in all the missions that I posted its rear that I even claime anything from my self. but those navalized skins were mine but the Fj$ was released so I found no need to finish them but they were posted here as a pic forme only (no download" as the color wasent right.

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