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Udet's Dr.1

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Here's another skin for the Dr.1.

Udet's Triplane:









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Another great skin for Dr. 1 fans :clapping:

Looking very good :yes:

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Yes, this is a very nice skin! Thank you.


Maybe I'm totally wrong here, but I imagine that the German pilots took delivery of their new buses, then proceeded to paint over the stock colours section by section, little by little, with their personalized design, and maybe with a few missions in between while the paint was drying... :wink:


Is this the case? It would explain the appearance of some of the pictures of these aircraft, as the photo is documenting only a moment in the service life of the plane.


Just a thought.

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Thanks all. I'll be posting it up later on.





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Nice work A.D.! That makes the pit look much more unique and functional. It amazes me with some of the stuff you guys come up with.


And ShrikeHawk, Are you planning to release that awsome Voss skin you were working on? IMO it looks alot better than the one thats available now.


Anyway, Thanks to everyone for the mods!


I hope to one day contribute more to the community, but i'm still learning right now.

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That Cockpit looks great 'Gator! The last mod was great and I was

satisfied with it. Jumped on it right away, hehehe. And then here you go and

make it even better. I'll be making your latest adjustments as soon as possible.


Hey Warlord - I've been continuing to work on the Voss skin. I've got it so

applying the new paint can be done in mere minutes. The trick has been

making the swatches that I copy the paint from. I haven't been quite satisfied and

have made lots of paint swatches - 41 different ones in fact. And that was just for

the Voss skin. I created 10 swatches for the Udet skin. *picky picky* hehehe.

And I have 15 different, layered .psp files each with up to 3 skins buried in

all the layers. The folder where I've put all the skinning files is up to 447Mg!

Almost the same size as a fresh First Eagles installation.


Well, I was much happier with how the streaking came out for the Udet skin.

So I've been using a similar technique for Voss. Now, my Voss skin folder

now has 6 different variations. These latest two have a more

"roughish" look as though the paint was hastily applied. I kinda like that.

I'm not sure if the balance between blue, green, and olive is correct. But

trying to get that balance is partly why I ended up with so many swatches.

Here's the latest two skins:








I'm thinking of posting a "Voss Skin Pack" so people could pick out the one they

like best. The information on Voss' colors is varied and conflicting it's hard to get

a good read on what it should look like. With a skin pack people could make their

own decision. Just a thought.





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Very nice skins ShrikeHawk.


Have to try out these with Alligator Devil's cockpit changes





Thank you.

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