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Single Player Demo - Crysis Oct 26th

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The demo will be released Oct 26th with Crytek's CryEngine 2 – Sandbox 2 game editor, giving the community a great amount of hands on time with the powerful mod tools coming with Crysis before the November 16th release date.


Source: http://www.ea.com/crysis/news.jsp

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I FRAKKING HATE EA!!!!!!!! Just found out the demo will be out on Saturday accourding the Crysis forum on the Crysis site. I hate liars.



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Well, that sucks. Ok then I guess we have to wait!

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Ahh thanks but I misread the requirements kinda. I thought it said ATI 9600/256. But it says 9800 256. Damn :(



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I hate EA as well though the Incrysis company is only using EA as the distributor which is fine though they have no position or play on that.


From what i have heard from alot of people is that they are rather disappointed in this game, so much hype and no bite though iam going to try the demo and see how it is and wait on the reviews before purchase.

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It plays like Far Cry 2, at least the demo does. The later levels of the game may change things.


There are a lot of additions to the basic FC style such as changing your weapon attachments and the suit modes.


I have an X1950 Pro and I can't imagine this would play decently on anything below the level of an X800 XT as even on mine it only played "ok". Takes a lot of your CPU and GPU for this.


I'm not sure what people were expecting as far as gameplay, but it's still just an FPS.

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