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WWI planes in WOV?

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I would like to know if there is a difference in the FM content between First Eagles and WOV, in other words can you install the add-on aircraft people have made for First Eagles into Wings Over Vietnam without a problem? Thanks.

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I want to say no....I think there were enough changes in the FM that planes made for one will not work in the other.



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The older mods should work, I just flew the A-Teams Dr1 in WOE. However there are problems with the cockpit and guns. You will need the guns files from FE and for some reason you can see through parts of the aircraft from the pit. The External view is fine.

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Likewise, jets only need a few minor ini modifications to fly satisfactorily in FE.

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The older mods should work, I just flew the A-Teams Dr1 in WOE. However there are problems with the cockpit and guns. You will need the guns files from FE and for some reason you can see through parts of the aircraft from the pit. The External view is fine.


The problem with seeing through cockpit can be easily solved by setting low these values in flighengine.ini




NearClipDistance=1.2 -this entry, 1.2 is by default, 0.2 or 0.5 works fine for most planes, I think it's in meters


BUT I was testing them long ago (when first 3rd party WW1 planes were coming for FE) and don't know about newer releases.

Anyway they fly in SFGold.

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Guest Alligator Devil

I don't have WOE or WOV but some time ago i tried some addon jets in FE.


Probably you can make your own "TWILIGHT ZONE" missions (a strange hole appears in the sky and some psychodelic planes from the past came trought the time warp hole)


You will need a terrain with the proper nations (Flanders for example)


And the WW1 weapons (probably you can take it from some of the addon planes, some of them have an updated weapons pack)

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