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A-10 Pave Penny question

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Hi all,


Does anyone knows if in LOMAC the Pave Penny works? I mean, if on the mission editor is possible to iluminate a target so the A-10 will be able to lock it trough the Pave Penny, more over, can other plane iluminate the target for the A-10?


I am not sure if that´s the way it works, but guess someone must lock the target with laser so the pave penny will show target location to the A-10 driver.


Best regards,



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you'd hope that if it was in screenshots they'd make use of it in the sim.


i suppose we're going to have to wait.

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Guest MrMudd
you'd hope that if it was in screenshots they'd make use of it in the sim.


i suppose we're going to have to wait.


Most of those screen shots were taken long before the BETA builds that are in testing, Nothing comes together all at the same time. From what i Hear its comeing along great on the Avionics side of the house.


Pave Penny is modeled and in use, As to what Fidelity, I honestly couldnt say.


You can refer to this thread, in the A10 Forum. http://forum.biohazcentral.com/viewtopic.php?t=2319

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Thanks again MrMudd,


It woul be really nice to play with the pave penny info as well as Mav seeker, wheter to use one or the other system depending on weather, terrain, enemy activity, other planes etc etc it would be more real, much better.


Best regards.



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When the pave Penny seeker head acquires a laser return from the ground, it displays a diamond figure on the HUD. The location of the source has to be within the field of view of the HUD for the TISL (Target Identification Set, Laser) symbology to be visible.


The laser energy has to come from a designator, usually a ground-based one used by friendly forces.


In the game, the current methodology for using the PP system is to activate this function in the mission planning stage. By assigning a specific target to himself, the player then can expect to see a TISL diamond superimposed over the target when he arrives in the target area.

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Thanks for your answer Andy,


In the game, the current methodology for using the PP system is to activate this function in the mission planning stage. By assigning a specific target to himself, the player then can expect to see a TISL diamond superimposed over the target when he arrives in the target area


Andy, does this mean it will be possible that other plane will iluminate the target if it´s assigned from the planning stage, or it is only possible assigning if there are ground forces.

I guess the ground forces MUST be in the planning stage, otherwise, there is no way lo iluminate targets, is that simulated?


I hope not to bother with so many questions, is simulated the use of the 4 digits code of the PP system so that from the planning stage different targets will be iluminate each one with different codes?


Thanks in advance,



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looks like its purely "magic" illumination.


someone or something is doing the illumination for you, not anything in particular.


Wouldn't be hard to "fake" what you're saying by placing a laser capable aircraft nearby... unless it gets shotdown ;)

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At this time, this TISL feature seems to be just a helpful cue to assist the player in locating the target. I do not see any attempt to associate the symbology wirh any existing ground or air asset.


I've tried the feature in a mission and it works great! I think you all will be surprised at how difficult target acquisition can be in this game...just as it is in real life. The TISL is a nice way to reduce the difficulty level...again just as was intended in real life.

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too much talk about Hog in LO:MAC! o..v..e..r..l..o..a..d i..n p..r..o...g..r..e..s...s...............


bring on the demo! ;)

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Hey Andy...I'm new to the forum, but sounds like you were/are a Hog driver in your day? Know any of the guys from RAF Alconbury back in 1988-1991?...509th 511th drivers?...Dar Kemp...G Waltering?...


I was a Targeting guy for the 509th back then...lots of great memories.

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Hey Andy...I'm new to the forum, but sounds like you were/are a Hog driver in your day?  Know any of the guys from RAF Alconbury back in 1988-1991?...509th 511th drivers?...Dar Kemp...G Waltering?...


I was a Targeting guy for the 509th back then...lots of great memories.


Not Alconbury...Bentwaters. I left the UK in 1986 having flown Hogs there for 4 years. I think I remember Kemp's name...but he was most likely a FNG when I was getting ready to leave. My last squadron was the 511th at Bentwaters.


Yes...it was a great assignment!

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