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Another cockpit glass color question

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Sorry if I missed this in the KB....


I have been struggling with the "dark" color of the canopy on some of the TW aircraft.


I have explored the skin folders for the aircraft in question and cannot for the life of me find a TGA that controls the canopy color.


Is it possible for the canopy lod to have a "tint" defined that cannot be overridden? (Short of hacking the LOD, of course.)


Any help would be appreciated.





Edited by kirbykern

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I'd think that most, if not all, the stock 3rdW birds use pretty much the same canopy tga...I think it's stored in the objects cat




kevin stein

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I would think so too, but I can tell a difference between the F-15A and the Intruder for instance. The Eagle does not seem to have any "tint" to the canopy while the Intruder has a fairly significant tint.


I am also referring to the view from inside the aircraft. Hitting the '.' (remove cockpit) key shows the tint's effect pretty well.


I have found reference to a CanopyGlass.tga in the LOD. Mucking with that does not seem to help. I'll look for canopy.tga as well.

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I was looking to ask the same question.


Anyone ever find a fix for this? Then intruder is incredibly dark...

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Much of the 3w and 3p aircraft use the game's canopyglass.tga hidden in Object cat file.


The easiest way to replace this is to find another tga, say totally clear, and rename it canopyglass.tga and place it into the aircraft's folder, sometimes the skin folder, or the cockpit folder. Try all these locations if needed. You can find a clear tga in Cellinsky's sky mod here at the CombatAce, where Cellinsky offers totally clear tga's to replace the sim's horizon cloud tga's.


There are other deeper methods.

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