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Major Lee

A Call to 3D Action...

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Fracture, how goes the sign battle?



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To dredge this up from the depths of the Mariana's Trench (along with a few Megladons...)


That's just the size billboard I'm looking for to use in Libya .. Any further info/news on it's availability???



kevin stein

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May i also throw in a humble request.


I'm in need of a just a flat vertical surface roughly 2 meters high and 20-30 meters long. that should be textureable with a TGA because of transparency.


I'd like to put a speical writing in it's place.


Least i forget:


WoV object lib done similar to Polaks SFP1 one.



Picture is not the best but should suffice.


I've got also the footprints in FS Scenery creator format as well. PM me, if one wants them.

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I can sort it for you...I can map a canopyglass.tga to it..(resized...that is,to fit..)...do you have the tools to redo the tga after?...



ps...I look in here once a day or so...if you want faster response...email me @

Russouk2004ATntlworldDOTcom...in usual email addy format that is....lol

in the email...let me know again the specs you require...

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Tannethal: thanks for that, it's a big help to us terrain targets guys!!



kevin stein

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Russouk2004: Yep have the ability to edit TGAs for myself. I just suck at 3d and lack max, not good for an engineer one might think.

Thanks in advance.



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ive done your 3d item ....can u re email me....lost ur email address



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