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New to Combat Sims

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Greetings all,

my first post here, it has been a long time since I flew a combat sim it was Janes USAF so what brings me here, the other day I purchased Wings Over Vietnam.

I have been busy adding patch's and Sp's and a few aircraft, however I do seem to have a slight glitch in Autopilot the aircraft pitch's up and down whilst climbing on full power for a second or so then going down deploying the airbrake and so on, now being an Aircraft Engineer myself I think something is wrong, can this be corrected.

I have done an extensive search for an OV-10 for WOV is there one available.

Thank you.

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I think the autopilot does that on Recon missions, atleast he does on my game...i don't know why he does it to be honest...

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Thanks for that Wolf65, so this happens in WOV a common event in Recon missions not just my set up, also I found an OV-10 in downloads here under heavy bombers, maybe it should be moved to a more relevent folder.

Thanks again.

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Autopilot isn't very refined in this series. If you engage it at 2000' AGL but your waypoint altitude is 10000', the aircraft will do a max power climb to get to that altitude as quickly as possible, with no regard for fuel or energy management. It will then overtake that altitude, and have to descend again, start accelerating, so the speedbrake will open. This will continue until the AP is able to capture the altitude a couple of hundred feet either way, then the oscillating will gradually smooth itself out. Personally I don't use it, I prefer the wing leveler instead. I fly manually to the waypoint course, then pick my own altitude and engage it once I get up there.

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I have done an extensive search for an OV-10 for WOV is there one available.


Have you checked the download sections? There are 2 in there...

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also I found an OV-10 in downloads here under heavy bombers, maybe it should be moved to a more relevent folder.


Actually it's "Heavy Bombers and Multi Engined Aircraft", so i say it fits in the multi engine category.

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Thank you all for your replies USAFMTL yes as mentioned in my previous post the OV-10 is listed under heavy bombers that's why I couldn't find it.

Now my next task is to add AI aircraft and static aircraft as the ramps look empty.

Thanks again for you helpfull advice.

Yes your of course right Wolf65 multi engined x2 I post corrected.

Edited by muppi

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Well, downloaded the Bronco to give it a try, didn't hit anything on the ground, but did down a Mig-21MF with a Sidewinder.

I didn't even drop bombs, my wingman did that job while i was busy with the mig.


Gotta say interesting little plane.

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Hi Wolf65,

Talking about the OV-10 did you notice the missing textures on the wheels and undercarriage.

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Yes it's the same as mine, when I tried to reinstall it Win RAR came up stateing the files were corrupt, so I'm downloading it again.

Thank you Wolf69.

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