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I have another problem !


I downloaded the Iranian skin for my F-5E Tiger, checked the Nation.ini and typed Iran as an "ENEMY" country (idem for Iraq). I also opened the skin file and typed "Iran" (nation) in the TextureSet.ini. I thought that was it.

Then I started the single mission ready to crush some israeli mirages (not very historically accurate ;) and .. I was flying WITH the mirages ! and had to fight against my F-14 Alicat brothers !


So, does anyone know how to make a friendly airplane fly as an enemy airplane ?


Thanks !

Edited by fougamagister

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Did you check in the F-5?DATA.ini to make sure the nation name in there is Iran too?

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For gaming purposes, for the Iran/Iraq Total Conversion mod (as it was released), Iran is considered the 'friendly' nation



kevin stein

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Fine, it works ! but now there is another minor trouble: I made a quick fictive Iraqi skin for my Super Etendard and Mirage F-1, flew them as enemies .. but noticed they lost all their weapons except their fuel tanks. (whereas the F-5 kept its load even in enemy side):sorry:


I added "wp" and "iraq" (tried "nato" too) to the Attachment Type in their .data, all their weapons reappeared, but now the default loadout is no more the same as the one typed in the Loadout.ini ! ....


For example, my Mirage carries Apex and Aphid missiles instead of R-550 and R-530 eventhough those french missiles are available in the stores and pylon/launcher ..


Not so serious but a bit frustrating ! :threaten:

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Oh wait I've just fixed it !


1) Add "wp" to the Attachment Type in the aircraft.data


2) and add "Iraq" in front of each weapon in the Loadout.ini. example: "Loadout[01].WeaponType=Iraq R-550"




Now I can fly my "friendenemy" jets with their full and original load :biggrin:

Edited by fougamagister

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Fine, it works ! but now there is another minor trouble: I made a quick fictive Iraqi skin for my Super Etendard and Mirage F-1, flew them as enemies .. but noticed they lost all their weapons except their fuel tanks. (whereas the F-5 kept its load even in enemy side):sorry:


I added "wp" and "iraq" (tried "nato" too) to the Attachment Type in their .data, all their weapons reappeared, but now the default loadout is no more the same as the one typed in the Loadout.ini ! ....


For example, my Mirage carries Apex and Aphid missiles instead of R-550 and R-530 eventhough those french missiles are available in the stores and pylon/launcher ..


Not so serious but a bit frustrating ! :threaten:

Intersting because right yesterday I was trying to seup a campaing mig&Su VS Mig, as in etiopia-eritrea conflict

it was actually madagascar vs sooviet navy

I succeded in having them display the proper weapon by using a mock friendly force in the campaign ini, and keeping the mig-29 as madagascar in the campaign squadron entry. you need a friendly and enemy for the campaign, but weapons are divided in some friendly and enemy category. I think (i say again, I think) that if a nation is degigned as enemy in the nations.ini, it will lose weapons in campaign if used as friendly force in the campaign.ini.

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Intersting because right yesterday I was trying to seup a campaing mig&Su VS Mig, as in etiopia-eritrea conflict

it was actually madagascar vs sooviet navy

I succeded in having them display the proper weapon by using a mock friendly force in the campaign ini, and keeping the mig-29 as madagascar in the campaign squadron entry. you need a friendly and enemy for the campaign, but weapons are divided in some friendly and enemy category. I think (i say again, I think) that if a nation is degigned as enemy in the nations.ini, it will lose weapons in campaign if used as friendly force in the campaign.ini.



As I said just 1 minute after your message ;) I succeded in flying friendly jets as enemy jets with their proper weapons in single missions by doing this:


1) Add "wp" to the Attachment Type in the aircraft.data


2) and add "Iraq" (or your Enemy country) in front of each weapon in the Loadout.ini. example: "Loadout[01].WeaponType=Iraq R-550"


Maybe it's not very academic but it works at least !

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From the above posts, I can assume you've not bothered looking into the "Loadout Fixes" thread I maintain here??? ALL the Iraqi and Iranian aircraft have been brought up to the latest standards, as defined by the Weapons Pak.


How To Edit Loadouts for Weapons Pak Usage <--this is a link


There's even a host of NEW weapons for the Iranians, country specific, just for their use.


Would have saved you a bunch of work and headache.



kevin stein

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