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I need to get a life...

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any news on the T-38 & F-5B???


The guy needs to get a life, remember? :biggrin:

Give the guy a break.

Edited by Mannie

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The guy needs to get a life, remember? :biggrin:

Give the guy a break.



shure, but fastcargos last post was from June 2nd. ;)

i think that is a break.


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External models continue refinement. Latest (and hopefully LAST) changes to external models included recontouring the T-38A/B/C/F-5B/CF-116D canopies, adding 'slimers' to the CF-116D ( a new model with differences from F-5B), aux intake louvers to CF-116D/F-5F/Saqheah, drag chutes to CF-116D/F-5B/F-5F/Saqheah, and additional details to F-5F (common addons for 'shark nose' F-5s, including wing fences, nose and tail bumps).


Skins are still in progress...T-38B/C/Saqheah models still awaiting proper skins, most models awaiting decals. FM still needs refinement, especially for F-5F and Saqheah. Easy stuff will be last (loading screens, etc).


T-38A and B cockpit built and mapped. However, no texturing has started. T-38C cockpit remains...F-5B/CF-116D cockpit may be built derived from AT-38B cockpit.




Ignore the day-glo colors...cockpit textures not painted yet. Cockpit includes following features:


Animated controls (including flap and speedbrake switch).

Animated toe brakes.

Animated canopy.

Most lights work like their real life counterparts...including specific warning lights based on engine RPM.

Most lights shine through colored filters like their real life counterparts.

Most instruments have clear lenses...yes, you'll get sun glint at certain angles.

AT-38B gunsight is infinitely adjustable in flight...there is no preset 'air to air' or 'air to ground' setting (yep, you have to set the 'mils' yourself...located on the knob to the left of the gunsight glass). Also, note the sight can be hidden by parts of the cockpit...no 'seeing a sight where you shouldn't' issue.



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Looks great, but guys, I have to admit I've been stealing FC away for my own purposes, sorry! :biggrin:

Edited by Klavs81

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Take all the time you need, just make sure you finish it and release it some day.

I would love to have a T-38A and the more accurate you can make it, the better.

While the F-5 and T-38 are very similar... to my eye, the T-38 has more subtle curves that make it even more appealing to me despite being a trainer.

I was just old enough to remember seeing the Thunderbirds fly the F-4E, but for the majority of my childhood, they flew the T-38A.

Thanks to the experiences I had seeing them up close, flying demonstrations, and in studying my copy of the 1976 Replica in Scale Thunderbirds edition, I came to love every line of the T-38A.


Of course, for air combat purposes, the F-5E is far more appealing and really looks good with LERX extenstions.

The F-20 is a great "what-if", especially since there were real flying examples, but despite its looks and performance, I favor the F-5E with its much longer, varied, and more interesting service history.


The MF F-5A held my attention for quite some time back when I used to host SFP1 multiplayer and flew it against the F-14A.

Very eye pleasing and fun to fly.

I am sure will enjoy any and all versions of the T-38/F-5 you release just as much or more.

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I too remember the T-38 Thunderbirds as a kid, and they were a big contributor to my joining, and staying in the USAF for 13+ years.


But what I really want to see is the T-38 as a chase plane. Rarely did folks notice their striking silhouettes back to the side when a test aircraft or orbiter was on finals.


But I did.


Sexy little sports cars of the air that always caught my eye above the items in the focal point.


Can't wait to have a chase on the range when testing out something new, it will just add another layer of immersion and dead sexiness...



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Thank you for the update fastcargo,

looks really nice. Take your time! :good:

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