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How to increase aircraft's takeoff weight allowance?

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How do I increase an aircraft's takeoff weight allowance?


The problem is that every piece of ordinance works individually and I can takeoff. However, when I add several, it blows up on the runway.



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  ordway said:
How do I increase an aircraft's takeoff weight allowance?


The problem is that every piece of ordinance works individually and I can takeoff. However, when I add several, it blows up on the runway.





Have you looked in the Knowledge Base?

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  USAFMTL said:
Have you looked in the Knowledge Base?


I knew he was going to say that!

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Because if you did, well you didnt find it, becauses it not in there. :biggrin: Have to get Wrench on that. Open the aircraft's data.ini its near the top. IIRC.

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  USAFMTL said:
Because if you did, well you didnt find it, becauses it not in there. :biggrin: Have to get Wrench on that. Open the aircraft's data.ini its near the top. IIRC.




















Hmmm, this is all I see at the top. Now why would changing "empty mass" do anything?

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HUH????? :dntknw:


That's not something I really know about, but I can venture a guess....


It'd be the same reason that car makers are using more lightweight and composite materials -- the less mass to move (overcoming inertia), the better the performance for a given weight/load and horsepower (4 fat bastards and all the beer and guns they can stuff into a 2005 Malibu -- oh wait, that's me!!!)


I'd also assume (and we ALL know what happens if you assume), that if the empty mass in changed (lessened) the inertia would also have to be adjusted for the lesser mass. At least, that's MY understanding of hp/weight ratios



kevin stein

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  ordway said:

















Hmmm, this is all I see at the top. Now why would changing "empty mass" do anything?


Ok then I am confused on what you want to do. What weps are you adding that is causing it to blow up? Also just adding weps has never caused me to just blow up on the runway. So I need more details to help you.

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Definately, a lot more information is gonna be needed here...


which game?

which aircraft?

which terrain? (if this is a problem)

which weapons? -stock or WepPak, and if WepPak, bunyap or MF? Or somethng 'made up'?


Working in the dark here...shed a little light for these old eyes...



kevin stein

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  Wrench said:
Definately, a lot more information is gonna be needed here...


which game?

which aircraft?

which terrain? (if this is a problem)

which weapons? -stock or WepPak, and if WepPak, bunyap or MF? Or somethng 'made up'?


Working in the dark here...shed a little light for these old eyes...



kevin stein


Okay thanks I fixed it but I don't know why.


Okay, the original lines read in Russo's Hawk T1A:










With the CGPosition=0.0,1.8,0.0. I could load all ordinance individually or even in most combinations and it did not blow up on the runway using full pylons 1-5 using combinations of Aim-9Bs and Mk 82s and a gunpod. The external fuel tanks alone did not cause it to blow up or even with a comination of a gunpod or Aim-9Bs together. However, when I added all three together (meaning the external tanks seemed to be the difference), it would suddenly start blowing up.


However, I guess by adding just "a straw" to break the camel's back (just a little too much extra ordinace weight in combination-weight (or unintended CG shift from the external tanks shifting the CG aft?), now it would blow up.


When I simply changed the CG position to CGPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0. from CGPosition=0.0,1.8,0.0, now all ordinance can be loaded and it doesn't blow up. Is this because it would "tip back" on its tail and explode?

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Guest capun

AFIK the CG position affect how the plane sits on the ground and also fine adjusts the CG from the 3DS Max World Center.


It does seem to change just a bit how the plane pivots in the air but not by much. Most planes do not require a lot of CG adjustment.


The second number is the Y-Axis adjustment, positive numbers raises the tail up on the ground.


But I don't think that has any bearing with your weapons blowing up, nor is the weight of the extra weapons.


My guess is that either the missiles are detecting a mesh and the proximity fuse is triggering, you can test it by reducing the proximity fuse and also narrowing the FOV. I have seen that happen before while debugging the data ini for ships


Try just dumb bombs and see if that solves the problem. Also check the min/maxextentpositions, for a test REM them out and see if that fixes it.

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