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LGB delivery technique

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Hello all.


I'm looking for help with keeping the target painted throughout the flight of the LGB. I'm using the GBU-24 paveway III, and targeting with the SniperXR. With LGBs that are targeted by other means (ie not on-board the AC) I can release the weapon and then leave for home. But with a targeting pod, you need to keep the target painted, right? I've read tons of info on the LGBs themselves and different delivery techniques, but all seem to be geared toward previously painted targets.


What kind of angles does the sniperXR pod see, ie: do I need to keep my nose straight on-target during bomb flight...?


What I've been doing is flying in between 8000-10000 feet at fairly high speed - after passing the 45 degree angle, starting to nose down and visually ID the target. when ready for release, i slowly cut thrust and release the bombs. Once they have cleared the AC I cut thrust completely and hit the speed brakes. Sometimes I find myself following the LGBs and end up way too close to the blast.


what's the proper delivery technique for this?


thanks in advance

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If you want specific limitations of the pods, go into your Weapondata.ini file and look up your pod. You'll find the FOV, gimbal, and range limits there.


Delivery technique? I typically do a shallow dive (10 degrees) with lots of range so the target is pretty much centered to slightly below the gunsight line of the aircraft. I'll punt off 2 bombs, then continue toward the target at level flight...maybe a slight horizontal angle. This allows for max time in the FOV of the pod.


Technique only.



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If you want specific limitations of the pods, go into your Weapondata.ini file and look up your pod. You'll find the FOV, gimbal, and range limits there.


Delivery technique? I typically do a shallow dive (10 degrees) with lots of range so the target is pretty much centered to slightly below the gunsight line of the aircraft. I'll punt off 2 bombs, then continue toward the target at level flight...maybe a slight horizontal angle. This allows for max time in the FOV of the pod.


Technique only.




My delivery ATG is limited to low high speed approach (600kts), flyover with high-drag parachute retarded Boom-booms at 1000 to 2000 feet, one pass and haul-ass, ultra low egress Gran Britania style. Since this is nuzzling around with snakes and tall worms, I prefer this approach to others in a high-threat SAM environment (WoV). I have never heard from buddies that fly the mud-mover mission your particular technique. Jink coming down, get on the target, drop your payload, jink away(good against SAMs and AAA, both). Steady heading and altitute is a recipe for disaster.

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Rule of thumb, don't pull any Gs before and during weapons release, with guided weapons, they will come off flipping and flopping around like a fuel tank.

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My delivery ATG is limited to low high speed approach (600kts), flyover with high-drag parachute retarded Boom-booms at 1000 to 2000 feet, one pass and haul-ass, ultra low egress Gran Britania style. Since this is nuzzling around with snakes and tall worms, I prefer this approach to others in a high-threat SAM environment (WoV). I have never heard from buddies that fly the mud-mover mission your particular technique. Jink coming down, get on the target, drop your payload, jink away(good against SAMs and AAA, both). Steady heading and altitute is a recipe for disaster.




You do know he was asking about LGBs....you CAN'T do a 'ultra low, one pass, haul ass' type delivery...the LGBs won't get enough time to guide.



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You're great at creating weapon models. How about taking a break from the high-tech stuff and re-do the AN-M30, AN-M64 and AN-M65 models (while you wait to do your taxes). The 500-lb and 1000-lb are using the same 3d model and all three don't match the quality of the other U.S. WWII bombs.

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