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Er...now that is stealth...

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Can some one tell me what I did wrong here? Imported a 3ds max model into the game, hacked the ini files to get it to fly, but the plane is not viewable, though it is there...


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woha... ultra-stealth.... :ninja:


in the planes main ini, disable all entries for the sub-lods, so tha tonly the entry for the main lod remains








^^^^^^^^^^^^----------------------------- keep this and increase the distance to 8000, and delete the remaining sections
















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  sparkomatic said:
Can some one tell me what I did wrong here? Imported a 3ds max model into the game, hacked the ini files to get it to fly, but the plane is not viewable, though it is there...


Did you upload a 3dsMax or a LOD, the game only accepts LODs


You can get a plug-in to convert 3ds max into LOD from the thirdwire site http://www.thirdwire.com/downloads_tools.htm

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Sparky, you may have already done this, but make sure you have assigned or mapped a material to the model.

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Ooo...thanks...but I found, to my horror what went wrong...that speck you see behind the pilot...that is the airplane...scale went awry somehow...anyone know how to edit the scale of the model with out rebuilding it?

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Guest capun



This is what you do


- Back-up your file


- Unlink every mesh. Very important.




- Convert them back to Editable Mesh


- Relink the parts.


So what caused this?


1- When you do a mesh transformation (rotation, scale, position) those changes are applied to the mesh in the 3DS Max Viewport, but the mesh internal properties are not changed.


For example if you scale a plane that was 1 meter long to 10 meters long, the 3DS Max Viewport measurements tells you that the model is 10 meters long.


But if you right click on the mesh and check its properties it will show that it is still 1 meter long.


2- You just did not set the right plane dimensions. Then you need to scale them up and do a RESET XFORM.


Just a caveat, if you apply a RESET XFORM your animations will probably get screwed up.


And if you do not unlink the meshes, bad things happen to your model and you cannot Undo.

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DUDE!!! You've just created the world's smallest airplane!!!


Beat out the "Flea" thing by a long shot!!





kevin stein

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As cap says...reset xform on every part..first tho unlink everything....in particular the animated parts....in most cases the anim should then be ok...MAKE SURE YOU SAVE YOUR WORK B4 APPLYING THE RESET XFORM.(I would save it as another name to ensure you dont overwrite the max file...been there,done that :(...)..as cap says...YOU CANNOT UNDO THIS MODIFIER...

Also you may need to redo the ailerons etc..as I recall the reset xform sets the pivots back to default positions...


Edited by russouk2004

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