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Fricking livid... MV-22 Osprey cockpit grinds to a halt.

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Yes, I'm frickin besides myself...


I was using a spectacular 360 degree panoramic view quick-time I found on the Defencenews.com website to accurately model the Ospreys cockpit. I log-on tonight and cannot find it anywhere on the website anymore! :shout:


I fired off a correspondence with the website art director in hopes there is some external link available for it... but I'm not holding my breath.


Sorry had to vent... I just can't believe this thing vanished... it was a absolutely lovely resource.



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  triplethr3at said:



Thanks for the try but I've got images in a few reference mags similar to these.


This quicktime app was very nice... I could drag the screen around and look about the cockpit just like I was standing there. Better yet, I could zoom up on things and look at them in detail... I'm going to be hard pressed to come up with such detailed views as this was.

Edited by Zurawski

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I guess there's no way that QT app was in your cache was there? Maybe you could have recovered it that way...


I feel your pain there Zur. I had a lovely F-5/F-20/T-38 book I was using as a reference...and now I can't find it...ANYWHERE.


It wasn't cheap...



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  triplethr3at said:
would it be possible to see some screenshots of the cockpit?


Nothing spectacular... nothing mapped yet... Just really beginging to get into the details... :sorry:











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  FastCargo said:
I guess there's no way that QT app was in your cache was there? Maybe you could have recovered it that way...


I feel your pain there Zur. I had a lovely F-5/F-20/T-38 book I was using as a reference...and now I can't find it...ANYWHERE.


It wasn't cheap...




Nope..no cache (first place I looked). Apparently I'm too anal retentive when it comes to cleaning my PC... cache gets dumped automatically when I close Windows.

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Quit being a wuss Zur, and finish the pit.... you dont need no stinkin' panaramic view....


*exits, stage left..... :smile:

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  USAFMTL said:
Quit being a wuss Zur, and finish the pit.... you dont need no stinkin' panaramic view....


*exits, stage left..... :smile:




That's only funny when "I" say it... Please tell me that's not the extent of your snappy repertoire... :rofl:


... You realize the slower I work on the Osprey's cockpit... the futher our discussed projects keeep getting...


That said, your a uniformed guy... Mind going over to defensenews.com and reading someone the riot act? :biggrin:

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Forget the pictures...your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them...let go of your conscious self and act on instinct...use the Force...

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  Jedi Master said:
Forget the pictures...your eyes can deceive you, don't trust them...let go of your conscious self and act on instinct...use the Force...





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Yo, I was born in Brooklyn! So if youse guys knows whats good for ya, you'll lay off!

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  Zurawski said:
That said, your a uniformed guy... Mind going over to defensenews.com and reading someone the riot act? :biggrin:


Me being a "uniformed guy" will do nothing to help you over there. It's all ran by civilians. :biggrin:

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czech this website out



just insert the full hyperlink of the website you were looking at where it says "take me back" and it will take you to a list of days where that particular website was archived. For instance, you can look up what the home page of CA looked like back on May 7, 2007. ionno if that helps.



edit----> nevermind, I just tried it out and apparently defensenews.com is a blocked site. sorry

Edited by DirtyBirdFA

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Well kiddies... Thanks to a tip from one of our intrepid community members (Y'all thank Hillbilly for me...) we are back on track with the Osprey's pit!


The solution was sitting right in front of me and Hillbilly dragged me like a horse to the water trough! He pointed out that it was still available via Google's cached pages... duh!


Anyways... I'm golden and very happy about it! :fans:


News: Disaster averted!

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  USAFMTL said:
Me being a "uniformed guy" will do nothing to help you over there. It's all ran by civilians. :biggrin:


Well, could you at least talk one of your fly boys into buzzing the building?

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  Zurawski said:
Well, could you at least talk one of your fly boys into buzzing the building?


I will see what I can do. :biggrin:

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