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Is there a guide anywhere on getting started in making your own terrain using the terrain editor I have done a search and looked in the Knowledge Base and haven't as yet found any guidance on getting started or utilising the Terrain Editor?





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Is there a guide anywhere on getting started in making your own terrain using the terrain editor I have done a search and looked in the Knowledge Base and haven't as yet found any guidance on getting started or utilising the Terrain Editor?






MajorLee had great tutorial on his Aerodrome about step-by-step introduction to terrain making, but we'll have to wait until his new site is up and running...


Maybe something in knowledge base, but I couldn't find anything yet

(it was a quick search thou)

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Can't tell ya how to start a new terrain, but I can pass on some things I've learned the hard way over the last few months.


1) have the terrain folder you're working on INSIDE the TE's folder.

2) city list must match EXACTLY the targets ini listings; number of target areas, sequential number of target area (Target001, Target002, etc) and coordinates.

3) Coordinates in city list only uses the first 3 integers, followed by decimal point and 5 zeros ie:


from city list:


Name=Iranian AD Site 1



PositionX=462.000000 <--






from targets ini:


Name=Iranian AD Site 1

Position=462750,713935 <---






And that's pretty much as far as I've gotten. Just enought to flatten airfields (and get into all sorts of other trouble!! :wink: )



kevin stein

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