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Basically with all the attention that WOI has been getting I had had it with feeling sorry for myself. I decided to figure out what it is that I wanted. Pretty much what I didnt have. So looked at Johan217's Yom Kippur2 Campaign and said well...its a possibility.


Johan217 was so kind to show me how to get around things.


Here are a few pictures.


Its still based on the 71 war so it needs a lot of embellishement to be be plausible in a modern day scenario.

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for a moment, I thought you were using Nigerian Roundels and was about to promote you...

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for a moment, I thought you were using Nigerian Roundels and was about to promote you...


My man Ive been sitting like a mole in front of the comp adjusting the campaign to my specs. Once the nations entries have been made the game takes over. So even if there were something wrong me dunno whatcha talking about!

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You see sparkomatic is.......


Dictator, CEO, and El Presidente-for-Life of the Freedom Loving People's Federal Democratic Republic of Nigeria


'Join the Glorious Freedom Loving People's Indefatigable Air Force of the Federal Democratic Republic of Greater Nigeria today...or not'


And had you been in fact flying for the Glorious Air Force of the Freedom Loving People's Indefatigable Air Force of the Federal Democratic Republic of Greater Nigeria, you could if been promoted to Captain!

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You see sparkomatic is.......




And had you been in fact flying for the Glorious Air Force of the Freedom Loving People's Indefatigable Air Force of the Federal Democratic Republic of Greater Nigeria, you could if been promoted to Captain!


Aye, whats the pay like? How about some free free dagga?

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Aye, whats the pay like?


Chicks and beer...I think, not sure since I had to execute the accountants for trying to buy these for our upgrades to our glorious Air Force. Where is our information minister at?

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Chicks and beer...I think, not sure since I had to execute the accountants for trying to buy these for our upgrades to our glorious Air Force. Where is our information minister at?


I see you guys are money conscious. I mean, who needs extravagant luxuries like those? American pigs, most likely.

Edited by Longestpants

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Chicks and beer...I think, not sure since I had to execute the accountants for trying to buy these for our upgrades to our glorious Air Force. Where is our information minister at?



Y'know I had a couple of friends who had to bolt from there. Things are way not funny. they came back with no baggage. Thats not a good thing if you owned a house there.

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Y'know I had a couple of friends who had to bolt from there. Things are way not funny. they came back with no baggage. Thats not a good thing if you owned a house there.


That blows. Well our stuff is in fun.... not to be taken serious at all.

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Back on topic (I think), is this supposed to be an Israel vs Iran scenario?


If so there are plenty of Iranian aircraft skins included in the Iran/Iraq campaign, and I uploaded some Iranian MiG 29 skins a while ago. I think there's an Iranian F-5E skin about too.

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"Y'know I had a couple of friends who had to bolt from there. Things are way not funny. they came back with no baggage. Thats not a good thing if you owned a house there."



Stick, seriously it sucks for them but if you choose to reside in a nation such as this one, there are risks and by definition, risks taken are risks accepted. Did they change their citizenship? What possessed them to buy property in a foreign country? I dont know the circumstances obviously, but again when one takes chances, one takes chances...just look at my stock portfolio!


Now, back on track...


USAFBLT w/o Onion, excellent work! Now we can commence phase 'X'



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My man Ive been sitting like a mole in front of the comp adjusting the campaign to my specs. Once the nations entries have been made the game takes over. So even if there were something wrong me dunno whatcha talking about!



And what is so difficult about this?



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And what is so difficult about this?


Apparently not much I see, and to answer the former well what possessed them was exactly what possesses people who come down to Goa or Kasaul or some back of beyond part of India and buy property.The lure of paradise, maybe conceit for thinking they could make a change; i dont know;they ignored the stench in the air.Then when the locals get rough and Mr. Kalashnikov takes a walk in the night you are on the lam again. Thats life, i guess, and things get tough when ur not a local. Coz when push comes to shove and other such motions of turmoil and plunder its the locals who'll know where to burrow down. Thay went there to teach.


'That girls are raped, two boys knife a third,

Were axioms to him who'd never heard'

Of any world where promises are kept,

Or that one could weep because another wept.'

The Shield of Achilles

W.H. Auden

Edited by HrntFixr
DO Not reply with pics in the quote!

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Your information says India, where your friends from India as well? And I have to wonder if your friends are practitioners of the Hindu faith? Given that Nigeria is very split Christian / Muslim (and given that both of those religions are rather famous for not being tolerant in practice of anything else...dont get me started) again I have to wonder the level of sanity which they enjoyed prior to committing to action?


Teaching is a noble profession, to be sure, but it is not a shield which one can hide behind.


Some people have the very best of intentions, then meet reality...knew of a young lady (with very blond hair) that joined the Peace Corps...she ignored warnings to dye her hair before she left to a less, shall we say desirable color...yep, it went very poorly for her. Warnings are called warnings for a reason...


And people, I am not making excuses for lawlessness or poo-pooing these aforementioned noble souls for their endeavors...only adamantly re-iterating that taking chances is accepting risks...know before you go and deal with what you get.

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They were Catholics, anglo-indian,full of that diluted honky spirit of do good unto all mankind. I on the other hand am a Syrian Christian and I take after my Jewish mother in sentiments toward fellow man. In all other matters i am a Christian(conveniently;I look toward my nether regions and heave a sigh of relief.)


So now you know.


Speaking of risk, when i was studying insurance law, I came up with this in a seminar; Risk is Life.Life is Risk

Edited by Stick

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