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Brainless luck

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My misses said ‘let’s go for a walk round the Park’ .Ugh I thought how boring I could be flying. Well walking is good for you I’m told so I reluctantly agreed and off we went. Now the park in question is right opposite a mate of mine and I knew he wouldn’t mind if I parked my vehicle in his driveway. I parked up his forecourt and got out with my misses for the walk. We walked round twice. It was damned cold so I was glad when we got back to the car. I went to get my keys out of my pocket and they were gone.


‘Oh you haven’t lost the car keys have you’ said my misses ‘you’re a complete idiot’. Well with a name like Brainless I couldn’t really argue. So off we go to look for them.


Well back round the park again we went looking everywhere but the keys were nowhere to be seen. We asked in the pub opposite but no no-one had handed any keys in. Now I was really starting to worry ‘cos my key ring had all my keys on the ring, car ignition, security key (you can’t start the car without it and you can’t get another one except by contacting the manufacture and it’s a right palarver) house, shed, garage etc. etc. My misses insisted that I must have left the keys in the car but I said I couldn’t have done that ‘cos I had locked it and the car was indeed locked. So back round the park we went for a fourth time, I tell you I bloody well hate that damned park, but still no sign of my keys. So resigned to the fact that I’d lost them for good walked back to the car wondering how the hell we were going to get home.


Just as we got to my mate’s house and my stranded car a young girl was coming up the drive. Now I knew he was out so I said ‘sorry he’s not in’. Then the girl said well I just found some car keys in the road and thought they might be the householder’s. Yep you’ve guessed it they were my keys she’d found. I thanked her profusely and we set off home.


Well I later to started to muse over this and realised if we had been just a few minutes later coming back to my mate’s house we would have missed the girl and the keys would probably never have found there way back into my possession plus she had actually seen them in the road yards away from where I left the car. I would never have found them there. I never heard them drop out of my pocket nor did my misses come to that, I must have dropped them just as we started our walk up the road and then somehow they got pushed, kicked or thrown further up from where we were parked.


Well if that isn’t a piece of outright good fortune I don’t know what is.


Have you got a lucky /unlucky story to tell?

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You know, I probably do.

Beats me if I can remember it, though! :grin:

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Back in late January of 1987, I was making preparations for a two week vacation down in the Florida Keys. The Saturday before the trip, I woke up early (as I was working a night shift at the time, I considered "early" to be anytime prior to 11 AM), and made my way to the bank to deposit my check, and pay off all my utility bills for the upcoming month.


When I got to the bank, I reached into my jacket pocket, and my wallet was gone! $300 in cash, $1,000 in paychecks, all my credit cards, driver's license, social security card, my company ID card, everything. It was a freaking disaster! Needless to say, I was quite upset.


Two days later, I received a call from a NY-NJ Port Authority Police officer. It seems that a cousin of his had found my wallet laying on the sidewalk (this was in Newark, NJ of all places), and turned it over to him. When I finally met up with said officer, I was pleasantly surprised to find everything intact! I tried to give him a reward on his cousin's behalf, but he would not accept it, claiming that his cousin was just that way.

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Back in late January of 1987, I was making preparations for a two week vacation down in the Florida Keys. The Saturday before the trip, I woke up early (as I was working a night shift at the time, I considered "early" to be anytime prior to 11 AM), and made my way to the bank to deposit my check, and pay off all my utility bills for the upcoming month.


When I got to the bank, I reached into my jacket pocket, and my wallet was gone! $300 in cash, $1,000 in paychecks, all my credit cards, driver's license, social security card, my company ID card, everything. It was a freaking disaster! Needless to say, I was quite upset.


Two days later, I received a call from a NY-NJ Port Authority Police officer. It seems that a cousin of his had found my wallet laying on the sidewalk (this was in Newark, NJ of all places), and turned it over to him. When I finally met up with said officer, I was pleasantly surprised to find everything intact! I tried to give him a reward on his cousin's behalf, but he would not accept it, claiming that his cousin was just that way.


WoW ..well this beats my lucky story no question. It seems most people are honest it's just the odd one or two that are opportunists or maybe they are just godfearing, decent people alround in NJ Newark. I'll have to remember that's the place to go for my next vacation. :biggrin:

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A couple years ago I was walking to the library in the city, and was crossing the street when I decided for no good reason to look to my left. Call it the Force, Spidey-sense, whatever; it was strange considering I never ever deigned to look if I had the light. I was able to spot and avoid a van that had run the red light and zoomed past me at about 60 mph.


Needless to say, this struck "look left and right before crossing" with more hamhanding than an 80's cartoon. :biggrin:


So yeah, make sure you always do that.

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A couple years ago I was walking to the library in the city, and was crossing the street when I decided for no good reason to look to my left. Call it the Force, Spidey-sense, whatever; it was strange considering I never ever deigned to look if I had the light. I was able to spot and avoid a van that had run the red light and zoomed past me at about 60 mph.


Needless to say, this struck "look left and right before crossing" with more hamhanding than an 80's cartoon. :biggrin:


So yeah, make sure you always do that.


That was real lucky. Life and death stuff...phew( phew icon should go here but I can't seem to find one)

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