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how can i rotate whole pit model via INI?

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Hi all,


Want fix WOI F16 pit and not know if it is possible. Need rotate whole pit little bit down to get true F16 pit view


got this from ini





















but there is no rotation parameter


here is my copy of post from TK forum as i am lazy to wrote again




Just flew WOI vanilla F16A, what a beauty. As big F16 fan (Falcon 4.0, 3D pit for Falcon OF) I am so sad as F16 pit in WOI is wrongly paced and it kill imerrsion for hardcore F16 fan. I know it is light sim but this really bad for F16 fan boy. Real F16 pit is angled about 3 degs down and hud cross is actualy boresigh of aircraft and should be on horizon. Gun firing to that hud boresight cross too. Is there way to rotate whole pit model in ini files? I remeber it is possible for some parts but i dont know more as SF1 is not my modding home. If it will be possible and if it is possible to rotate change default pilot view too it will be great and i can try fix pit in cfg files for F16.


Here is how it should look (i know it is C model but shape and angles are same, A hud is only smaller):









here is how it looks in WOI when on runway




it should look like this at pitch 0




so just rotate whole pit and maybe move it little bit or down to fine tune (I made same when developed new Falcon OF 3d pit). And F16 fans will be so happy :)


Finaly just minor FM F16 issue, F16 FLCS allow around -2 or -3 negative G when push stick. WOI i can do pretty same as in pull. Arcade again i know but it not be hard to fix.


Anyway thanks for nice combat sim and for answer as it will be negative or positive.

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All that you need to do is change the height of the sightline relative to the pit.


Changing the negative G issue would effect the aircraft's ability to pitch down at all airspeeds, most notably at lower speeds, where you'd need the full range of negative pitch. This series does not model FBW control systems, though you might want to take a stab (pun intended) at creating a Mach table that limits the efficiency of the horizontal stabs in positive deflection.

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Offset=0.0,0.0,-0.04702 <-- maybe this one


ViewAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 <-- possibly this one, too





MinPitchRear=-25 <--not sure about these two. experiment to taste


To me, it's fine as is. I usualy fly with the pit off, so it makes little differences. Since none of the buttons actually do anything in the cockpit -- it aint' falcon 4!!


Let us know what works!!



kevin stein

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To me, it's fine as is. I usualy fly with the pit off, so it makes little differences. Since none of the buttons actually do anything in the cockpit -- it aint' falcon 4!!


Let us know what works!!



kevin stein



Its not fine, well at least for me :) real view from f16 is what is in Flacon pics i post above. Well maybe i came form hardcore and need little "calm" down hehe. none of your params work. First only set default view of pilot and second view restriction. Maybe it is not possible at all without remade pit model.

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All that you need to do is change the height of the sightline relative to the pit.


Changing the negative G issue would effect the aircraft's ability to pitch down at all airspeeds, most notably at lower speeds, where you'd need the full range of negative pitch. This series does not model FBW control systems, though you might want to take a stab (pun intended) at creating a Mach table that limits the efficiency of the horizontal stabs in positive deflection.



How you mean? i dont want fix only gun fire to hud bore cross. when F16 is at pitch 0 (at ground for example or in level flight) that gun cross on hud is on horizon. Maybe i not got you right. can you show me please what i need to change to see your recomendations?

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To me, it's fine as is. I usualy fly with the pit off, so it makes little differences. Since none of the buttons actually do anything in the cockpit -- it aint' falcon 4!!


Let us know what works!!



kevin stein



Bah, F16A pit was modeled right, Somehow TK decided to bend space and offset pit up.


when used this values pit is where it should be, i also made default view 3 deg down, usual view for F16 pilot






now just need ask how to align gun to horizon and realign HUD and F16 will be ok for "hardcore" fan like me :biggrin:

please direct me to this last bits



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well...poop!!! I wasn't sure if those would do anything...worth a try anyway


Try adjusting the gun's aim angles. (extract the data ini if you haven't already)


right now they're set like this:




pretty flat...use the middle number to move them up or down; let us know how that one works.


as to moving the hud...I can't see it in the cockpit ini; unless I'm just looking right over it and missing...done that before!!!



kevin stein

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In the data.ini for whatever aircraft








AimAngles=0.0,-0.8,0.0 <---- Minus middle figure moves the firing down





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Just a word of caution regarding aimangles

I think it was B Bandy RFC who “discovered” this


Aimangles physically alters the firing angle of the gun I think (no longer parallel with the aircraft)

Which is great for lining guns up with the player’s cockpit sight (or weapons that actually are angled in RL)

But the AI doesn’t seem to use that sight (how the AI does sight is unknown to me :blush: ) and consequently can’t seem to hit the side of a barn from the inside



Imperially tested and seems to be the case in FE on hard mode

FE’s targets a smaller, our ROF is less, and guns are the only AtoA weapon so YMMV with other theatres


Zeroing the aimangles fixed a lot of headaches I was having with blind AI

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well...poop!!! I wasn't sure if those would do anything...worth a try anyway


Try adjusting the gun's aim angles. (extract the data ini if you haven't already)


right now they're set like this:




pretty flat...use the middle number to move them up or down; let us know how that one works.


as to moving the hud...I can't see it in the cockpit ini; unless I'm just looking right over it and missing...done that before!!!



kevin stein


Thanks for help guys. This is where i come so far. Only gunsight is little bit, well, wierd, going to try that AimAngles




all other is ok, CCIP bomb sight, rockets ...

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GunBoresightAngle=0 <---- anyone know if this affects the AI gun aiming?


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thanks Crusader

I will give the




GunBoresightAngle=1.0 <---------- here ( to tell the AI where the gun aims )


a go in FE, see how it goes


No left/right tho?

guess thats unusual (single off set gun,centred sight)

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