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My squadron of MiG-21s is wiped out within 30 seconds while fighting against US F-16s and F/A-18s.How can I shoot down those aircrafts?Please anyone help! 

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Guest Bounder

you musta got into a turning furball with them dont do that hit and run,never stop checking your 6




maybe fly as F-16,and F-18 to find their faults,and weak points. Then refly the mission.

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Not really furballs with F-16s... F/A-18s maybe.


I'd say just run... far. :P

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My squadron of MiG-21s is wiped out within 30 seconds while fighting against US F-16s and F/A-18s.How can I shoot down those aircrafts?Please anyone help! 

Man, you have relatively little chance survive dogfight with F-16, if you fly Mig-21F-13/PF/PFM/MF - standard flyable versions. On hard settings... I do not know how it is on normal :dntknw:


Easy reason: these Mig-21 versions are not equiped with missiles and radars to F-16 comparable. And they are not equiped with chaffs/flares dispensers. And they are not equiped with jammers. Ideal targets for AIM-9L and Sparrows than. You have little chance with your R-3S or RS-2US loadout. A little bit better with R-13M. And better with R-60. Really problematic shot down maneuring enemy plane. And much harder survive dogfights - in game. Wel F-15/16/18 are newer generation fighters.


You can try Mig-23 with its R-23R, R-23T (R-24R/24T for MLD)and R-60. Better chance to survive. But without dispensers you are still very woundable. Just Mig-23MLD is equiped with dispensers on dorsal section.


Or wipe them with Su-27 and its R-27/77 and R-73 :biggrin:


And wait for new Mig-29A from Mirage factory :wink:


And wait for Mig-21Bis too :wink:



Or try drop PM to Gerald14. He worked on Mig-21 upgrades. He can help maybe :yes: With better radar, missiles, engines and with dispensers you will see much ballanced dogfights :clapping:

Edited by kukulino

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My squadron of MiG-21s is wiped out within 30 seconds while fighting against US F-16s and F/A-18s.How can I shoot down those aircrafts?Please anyone help! 


I'd say that's pretty realistic!!



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The basic MiG-21 design is over a half-century old, and nothing short of a prohibitively expensive (and non-cost effective) redesign would help it. The '21 suffers from a roll-rate restriction due to a high-order interaction between its lifting surfaces and fuselage, it's fuel capacity is limited, as is it's engine bay size. It's also somewhat demanding to fly, as it enters a stall without so much as a mild buffet to warn its pilot, so, it cannot turn and burn with 30 year old (third generation) designs, never mind the newest fighters.


Its only advantage is that its relatively inexpensive to maintain, but then, most MiG-21 airframes have reached the end of their useful lifespans.

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Well Mig-21 has its limits in reality and in game too. But I love it. It is similar enjoy for me like Phantom for its fans.


Look into download section/cold war planes. There is only on aircraft, which has more files - Phantom :biggrin:

Phantom - 27 files

Mig-21 - 26 files (we together with Gerald14 have another 3 WIP versions/subversions)


In Paskos/Starfightres2 Bis we will get another good version into SFP1 series games. Many of us will be happy: in Soviet countries, Serbia, Polland, Hungary, ex Yugoslavian states, India, Romania, in many members from African continent etc, etc, etc... :biggrin:


You can try: there is Starfighters Mig-21R with recon pod and chaffs/flares dispenser mounted in this pod in the download section: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=6114. Usable as interceptor and in A2G missions too. Plus there is great new Mig-21S by Starfighter2 too in DS. Interesting mod for rock Mig fans.


I was frustrated when I was shot down in each mission :haha: in Mig-21, so I started my first real project Mig-21MA. I was without needed know-how for it, but my friend Gerald14 helped. Thank you Gerald for 100 000 times :fans: Plane is equiped with dispenser and ecm container. I know I wrote many times that it is close to finish, but be patient please :yes: Long waiting time expects good plane, I hope :wink:


Here is our MA with dispenser (by Fast Cargo) and wihout cannon exhauts defflectors and periscope. I applied my friend Starfighter2 ideas from Mig-21R/S package. Thank you Starfighter2 100 000 times too :fans:

Firing S-24 rocket:



So this do not mean that Mig-21 will be champion in your campaigns. But you can use it succesfully in Bomb/CAS/Sead missions with much better chance survive enemy SAM attacks too.

Edited by kukulino

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