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Anyone know if a B-52 cockpit exists?

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Just wondering if anyone can point me towards a B52 cockpit - there are ones that exist from 2007 based on the B17 cockpit - but the instruments always show up scrambled, the radars don't work, etc. As a reference point, I started from the files based here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=4331

(The skins, load out, etc. are all superb, but there are the previous mentioned problems regarding the cockpit, avionics, etc. that make the model frustrating to use.)



Thanks for any insight you can provide, I'm really having a hard time hunting this down.




Edited by swambast

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There isn't one at this time.

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Thanks for the clarification then, any ideas for alternates (maybe a c130 or something better)?

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For those with any interest:

Dels has made an awesome C130 cockpit, that can be found right here in the Downloads\ThirdWire Series\Add-on Cockpits section and might be a good alternative. I have ported this over for use with the B152, but I'm still having some issues such as, in no-cockpit view a pilot model appears (and looks kind of hilarious sitting on his butt floating through space), and I am still need to tweak the overall "height" of the pit and radar capabilities, which I don't have strong knowledge of at this time. Anyone who might be interested in helping - please let me know!

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For those with any interest:

Dels has made an awesome C130 cockpit, that can be found right here in the Downloads\ThirdWire Series\Add-on Cockpits section and might be a good alternative. I have ported this over for use with the B152, but I'm still having some issues such as, in no-cockpit view a pilot model appears (and looks kind of hilarious sitting on his butt floating through space), and I am still need to tweak the overall "height" of the pit and radar capabilities, which I don't have strong knowledge of at this time. Anyone who might be interested in helping - please let me know!




You can see the copilot in "mid-air" because the mesh that the pilot's are linked to is set as ShowFromCockpit=TRUE in the _DATA.ini.

To fix the height/position of the pit, you will need to go into the _COCKPIT.ini file and change the OffsetPosition=x.xx,y.yy,z.zz. This is the position of the virtual cockpit reference the external model (and consequently eveything you can see from inside the cockpit). You can change this to the pilot's position from the _DATA.ini and work from there.



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Actually, there was a B-52 pit, it just never made it past the most rudimentary stages.

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Great, thanks Dels for the clarification then! With that knowledge you provided, I'll have to start some experiments - thanks much!

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