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Well Here's an interesting pic.

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Any guesses of what it is... it's easy if you look at it for a bit.

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I think it is North-America in night. Only the twinkly lights of the cities can you see. I have seen this sort of pics before. You have to look to Africa and see the different.




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Good Job Tiwaz, I'll forgive Dutchy since he may not have gotten the inflated news. :lol:

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O, it was a black out. You say it, I can't see it. To many lights, to missed the dark places.




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Dutchy, put your mouse pointer on the first slash on the top, and move down like 3 inches, ITS HUGE, Most of the NE U.S.

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I've heard its a faked pic but who cares it's a good "simulation" (haha) of what it probably looked like

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That's gotta be a fake, there are WAY too many lights showing. Hell, look at the midwest, Montana, the Dakotas, there is no way there are that many large light sources there....

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That's gotta be a fake, there are WAY too many lights showing. Hell, look at the midwest, Montana, the Dakotas, there is no way there are that many large light sources there....


neg, you're wrong. The lights are all correct. With the shutter open long enough, all of those lights are correct. Whats incorrect is the blackout area. First, if you look close enough, you can see the PSing done to it. Second, it doesn't cover the whole area affected byt the blackout. And third, the real picture of the blackout from space (I think you can find it in last weeks Time magazine) has some lights in the blackout area, just not as bright as normal.


Just a question MadJeff, where do you live? Cause even though there may be misconceptions about life out here in the midwest, there many cities and towns, roads, in other words more lights than you think.

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The picture was sent to me by my sister, she is a meteorolist in Iowa with the National Weather Service.


If you look close enough at the area that is NYC, you can see some tiny spots of light, and what looks like what maybe Buffalo, and maybe Toronto.


That huge patch of light up there aroung montana is probably the Edmonton and Calgary area, both cities are HUGE!


As for my sister sending me a fake, I dont know for sure, but I really doubt it. But perhaps it is a fake. It still shows the blackout area very well.

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