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Syberian Sky's colour

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Don't get me wrongly, it is brilliant. But I wonder if we can reduce the darkness of the sky and further intensify the sun glare? Is it possible?

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It is, I think it is in the ENVIROSYSTEM.ini or somewhere there.

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It comes with three versions, one with the magnificently dark sky, that makes any engagement surreal and fantastic, even if you get shot down, and two others;the second retaining the awesome orb we call the sun while melding with normal weather and blue sky as we know it; the third well Im going to go make a simple cheese omlette(liberally peppered) and a ham, tomato, and yeah more cheese, on rye with butter like cement on brick work... and freshly pureed mango pulp to hit the spot.

Having eaten like a spartan I should imagine, I will then return to the game, remind myself of what ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM 3 was all about, and tell all.

But for now supper beckons.

Edited by Stick

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Its Siberian Sun, a mere mod, an insignificant subset of the much larger Siberian Sky mythological legend of LeMay and Savitskiy toe to toe in the ring.



Don't get me wrongly, it is brilliant. But I wonder if we can reduce the darkness of the sky and further intensify the sun glare? Is it possible?

Not possible. The deepest brilliance is not enough to permit escape from the shallow brilliance depth of computer monitors. The offered sky darkness often overpowers my heart as well, so I often brighten up the sky colours, and later darken them again, in a never ending search for reconciliation between the two.


The dark blue sky is for (1) enhance contrast with what are supposed to be orders of magnitude brighter effects (such as sun, cloud/contrail sunlighting, direct aircraft sunlight reflections, etc...) and (2) is best justified as a way to model the lower stratosphere where the player would spend most of his/her time playing the Myth.

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Its Siberian Sun, a mere mod, an insignificant subset of the much larger Siberian Sky mythological legend of LeMay and Savitskiy toe to toe in the ring.



Not possible. The deepest brilliance is not enough to permit escape from the shallow brilliance depth of computer monitors. The offered sky darkness often overpowers my heart as well, so I often brighten up the sky colours, and later darken them again, in a never ending search for reconciliation between the two.


The dark blue sky is for (1) enhance contrast with what are supposed to be orders of magnitude brighter effects (such as sun, cloud/contrail sunlighting, direct aircraft sunlight reflections, etc...) and (2) is best justified as a way to model the lower stratosphere where the player would spend most of his/her time playing the Myth.

The darker blue sky is magnificent for VERY high altittude like say 600,000 ft. Lexx, I saw somewhere, don't recall exactly the location, it was a mod aircraft download page in which there is a thumb image and when I clicked to enlarge it, it shows a really bright sun shinning upon the aircraft and the sky colour is ordinary blue. But the contrast does come out and the sun is very bright. Can the same be done possible?

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Here is what I'm currently using...








** As far as I know, the best thing you can do is look for a compromise between normal and dark blues until you find something you would like to stay with. I have not done so yet!


I'm going through one of my dark phases. Its a cyclic thing for me.

Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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