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Can't fly anti ship mission in Soviet aircraft

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I recently added some ships to WOE, I can fly against the Soviet, and Indian ships fine. However whenever I try to fly an antiship mission in a Mig or Tupolev, the mission starts me overland, and takes me further inland. Plus there are no ships in sight. Does anyone know how to fix this, Thanks

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I guess it happens because there's no in game ship for NATO. :blink: You coud try copying a ship, extracting its data and changing the nation.

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known bug with WOE...sometimes will dump you at the end of the map...if when you look at the mission planning map, where is the route of flight? For me it goes off the map and the waypoints are jacked up


no resolution that I know of yet

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I had this problem also, You will need nato ships and Try opening the movement.ini for the terrain and make sure you have shipping routes that have start points on both sides of the frontline.


For example, i added these routes to the bering straits terrain and it seems to work fine now...





EndArea=Savoonga Airfield












StartArea=White Mountain Airfield

EndArea=Savoonga Airfield










I'm not 100% sure this will fix the problem, but it seems to work for me. Hope it helps!

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