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I've knocked up a simple single colour skin for the F-104G by using the psd templates available at McFly's dormant site (some good stuff there BTW). However, I'm baffled at how do I create skins for the 170 gallon tip tanks and then get the game/sim to recognise them. The weapons folder only shows the ini and lod's and no bitmaps. I used the extraction tool to have a look for any associated bitmaps that I could overspray or copy and rename but there appears to be nothing there. I created two simple 512x512 bitmaps of the required colour and named them TANK170L_F104G.bmp and TANK170R_F104G.bmp but to no avail and I can't see how I 'point' to these anyway! Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!



Ace Pilot is blinded by the glare coming off his wing tip tanks and fails to notice the SAM-2 coming his way...

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OK I tried renaming the bitmap to TANK_170F104G and not worrying about L + R versions but that's not working.

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Have you hex edited the tank lods to the new skin names???



kevin stein

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No. I must sheepishly admit that I don't know what this is... or does :dntknw:

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OK, I've done a bit of reading and I'll get a hex editor later today when I'm back on my main PC. This looks like one of those major building blocks to achieve SFTE...








(Strike Fighters Total Enlightenmet)

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Thanks Wrench and thanks for the PM from X-Ray. Perhaps I can now sort out my F-4 tanks!


Can I assume that we can copy LODs and re-name them providing that we ini edit the data files?



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Can I assume that we can copy LODs and re-name them providing that we ini edit the data files?



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Thanks mate. I've been having a play around and getting the hang of it and my TMF Phantom FGR.2 now has tanks that match the camo!


BTW I've just realised that I had the PM of you (MiGBuster) and not X-Ray! Apologies to all concerned! (Too excited at learning a new skill).

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I've done a few tanks now (TMF Nigerian Jaguar and RAF Phantom M) but the Starfighter is still causing me some grief because, for some reason, my tanks are coming out anodised!


Is this something to do with the shininess of the LOD itself?



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I've done a few tanks now (TMF Nigerian Jaguar and RAF Phantom M) but the Starfighter is still causing me some grief because, for some reason, my tanks are coming out anodised!


Is this something to do with the shininess of the LOD itself?


LOL, yes. There was a thread recently, regarding a workaround to that issue.

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Yeah, I've had a little look at that. My brain hurts! I'm pleased with what I've learnt today and will tackle the shiny Starfighter tanks at another time.

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Glad you got it sorted!!! I know I'd written a tut for it, as someone else had asked about it, but couldn't find it here. Maybe I should do it again, and add it to the KB.... I'll put it on my list ! :rolleyes:


Interestering experience, isn't it??? Hex editing for the first time...I was a little nervous the first time I did (on pilot figures). The best thing is, if you screw it up, you just don't save the changes, and start over!!!



kevin stein

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